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In The Commercial Motor Dated February 9, 1962, A Very
interesting letter appeared from Mr. M. H. Heard, particularly regarding the compulsion of companies except the Scottish group to purchase Bristol-E.C.W. vehicles. Only a matter......
Fair Play For Bristol
F Bristol Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., is not allowed to compete on the open market then other manufacturers should not be allowed to supply nationalized operators. At present the......
Export Bristols Bristols Too Used To Export, And In South
Africa I found operators who were very sorry that they couldn't continue to get these vehicles_ One operator I spoke to in Durban maintained that there was no other British......
• S.m.m.t. Reasons For Opposition
i HAVE noted the letter from Mr. M. H. Heard in your A issue of February 9, 1962, commenting upon the provisions in the Transport Bill that would give H.M. Government power to......
Not Afraid
The reason that the Society opposes these provisions is not, as surmised by Mr. Heard, because its members fear competition, but because they oppose nationalized manufacture as......