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Highly Flammable Liquids Guide
• Standards acceptable to the Factory Inspectorate to comply with the 1972 Highly Flammable Liquids and Liquefied Petroleum Gases Regulations are contained in a guide just......
Scania Mechanics' School
• Now that Scania (Great Britain) Ltd has transferred (CM February 23) its hq from Cranford to larger accommodation at 11 Mount Road, Hanworth Industrial Estate, Hanworth,......
Materials Handling Company Formed
• A separate company to develop and market materials-handling systems directly connected with road transport has been formed by the Primrose Group, Blackburn, Lancs. The name of......
Ldoy Crossed-line
• The office telephone number of the secretary for the Norwich centre of the LDoY, Miss G. C. Moorby, is Norwich 34400 and not as stated on page 19 of February 23. The correct......
Front-loaded Demountables For Tyre Deliveries
• Three Seddon 16:four Perkins-engined Motive units have recently been added to the trunking fleet of Blue Peter Retreads Ltd. They will operate in conjunction with 2411......
Report Urges Clearer Laws For Dangerous Loads
• Clearer legislation for the transport of dangerous chemicals and better training for drivers of lorries carrying them are the two main recommendations urged in a report......