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After-burners Would Add £300
• The use of after-burners and associated equipment might add £300 to the cost of a vehicle, forecast Mr John Peyton, when questioned about their possible use to reduce......
Brs Door-to-door For Europe
• A door-to-door international distribution service has been started throughout Europe by British Road Services Group. The service is being made available in conjunction with......
New Rentco Outlets
• To serve north-east, south-west and midlands areas, Rentco Nationwide Trailer Rentals have lately opened agency facilities as follows: Rentco Nationwide Trailer Rentals Ltd,......
Rha Men Deny Spreading Disease
• Dirty lorries are the major cause in the spread of swine vesicular disease which has led to the slaughter of more than 30,000 pigs in 69 outbreaks this year. This is the......
German Road Transport Increase
• Road transport in Germany increased its share of freight moved in 1971 to 21 per cent, from 19.2 per cent in 1970. Road ton-mileage rose from 23.3 per cent to 25.6 per cent.......