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Q I Am About To Apply For A Class 2 Hgv
driving test and would like to know if I can take lessons and the test in a recovery vehicle which is not registered and therefore runs on trade plates? If I pass the test, can......
Q We Operate A Six-wheeled Truck And Are Thinking Of...
it later this year for a 32-ton tractor with a semi-low-loading trailer and a 40 ft flat, or an eight-wheeler with a drawbar trailer. What is the maximum gross train weight for......
Q How Long Must A Driver Carry An Endorsement On His...
A Normally an endorsement is made for three years. At the end of this period the driver may return his licence to the issuing authority and request an exchange licence. For this......
Q I Am Engaged In Demonstrating Buses To Potential...
demonstration takes only a few minutes bat the journey to the demonstration could take an appreciable time. Is it necessary for me to observe the regulations about keeping......
N For The Past Two Years, I Have Had A
contract with the local Highways Department, resurfacing roads with a gritter attachment. I have noticed that the tanker laying the hot tar (which is owned by another firm) is......
Q I Am Employed As A Lorry Driver In South East
England and recently was asked to collect a generator from a point in Lincolnshire and return it to base, a round trip of 360 miles. I was to drive a four-wheel 9.5ton-gvw......