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Why No Show ?
It has been definitely deckled that there will be no commercial motor vehicle show,this year. It is felt that an improvement in existing circumstances is not likely to occur by......
Scottish Canal Bridges.
The Scottish Commercial Motor Users Association has for some considerable time been pressing for the improvement of several canal bridges in the Forth and Clyde areas, Which......
The Late Major Giblett, O.b.e.
We briefly announced :in our mat issue the death, after a short illness, of Major R. H. Giblet, O.B.E. He is ref erred to in a letter which we have received from his late......
Road Tolls.
The Automobile Association has approached all interested highway authorities, urging that the time is opportune for joint action directed towards the abolition of road tolls.......
Barred Roads.
A committee of the East Riding County Council has made application to the Ministry of Transport for an Order prohibiting or restricting, subject to such exceptions or conditions......
Canals As Roads.
Sir J. A. F. Aspinall, formerly general manager of the Lancashire and Yorkehire Railway, touched upon a wide range of topics in )his James Forrest lecture on "Some, Post-war......
Distributing The Parade Prizes.
Mr. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith, C.B.E., the president of the Commercial Motor Users Association, attended at the brewery of Thomas Wethered and Sons, Ltd., Marlow, a Jew days ago, to......