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Local Proceedings. •
Bath City Council has decided to purchase a. 1-ton Ford truck for the eketricity department. Manchester Corporation proposes to purchase another motorcar for the use of the......
Roads In Asia.
Very little information has come to hand driving the pest year in connection with the roads in Asia Minor owing to the state of War throughout the country. However, it is steted......
A Mobile Library.
The motor vehicle is the means by which a free library movement, can be ietroduced to villages far removed from the towns, and the possibilities in this respect are fully......
Fares At - Bournemouth.
At a meeting of the Bournemouth Corporation Licensing Gonunittee coasideeation was given to a letter from the Bournemouth arid District Taxi Owners' Association, with a petition......
Spark Arresters.
At a recent meeting, of the Highways Committee of the Hertfordshire County Council it was reported that. the question of the desirability of making a by-law requiring the......
A Penalty For Noise.
The noise created by motor coach parties entering Southend will, it. is hoped, be lessened by the new corporation by-law now approved by the Home Office. Under the new law any......
Illumination Of Taximeter.
At a meeting of the Bournemouth Corporation Licensing Committee the town clerk called attention to the resolution of the council einsbructing the committee to enforce the......