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Best Midland Roads.
Nottinghamshire was amon g st the first of the kei g lieli counties toadopt a cornprehethsive system of road improvements, and credit was claimed at, the last meetin g of the......
Ditions Aro Unfavourable That Motor Owners Desire To Have...
ri g ht to say whether or not they re q uire the services of the man onthe trailer. Another difficulty concerns the fixity of the dinner-tithe. One prominent employer said that......
Labour Conditions At Liverpool.
Motor owners in Liverpool district are very dissatisfied with the conditions which prevail Olr th e labour side. oi the road transport industry. A Sore point. with many of them......
Combining To Obviate Cut Rates.
A meetin g of Manchester motor coach thenees,. representin g a total capital. of close upon 2030,000, was held a few day s a g o to c o nsider the q uestion of amal g amation......
Changed Traffic Conditions.
Durham county surveyor reports that traffic conditions have entirely chan g ed, and no reasonable comparison of pre-war and present road maintenance costs can be made. The......
A Loading By - Law. Burnley Watch Committee Recommends...
make the followin g by-law :—" No person shall pack any box, hamper, cask, bale or skip the falling of which mi g ht occasthn injury to any person in any thorou g hfare in the......
Ministry Asks The Reason Why.
At/ a meetin g of the Chester City Council the town clerk reported that Mr. Robert Roberts. had appealed to the Ministry of Transport a g ainst the decision of the council in......
An Interesting Tyre Change. In The Transport Of Bread....
the bake r y and the retail shops the fleet of Henry Whittle, Ltd., wholesale bakers, of Littleborou g h, cover a. very lar g e area on the borders of Lancashire' and Yorkshire.......