Cheltenham 'Shocker'
Page 75

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THIS really was a most unsatisfactory contest; by far the worst administered I've ever been to. And so far as one can deduce for no good reason. Last year's round at Cheltenham was a very reasonable first effort—and as many of the 1963 officials were acting again this year's feeble showing seems inexplicable.
In the nature of things I suppose the organizing secretary. Chief Inspector A. Tucker, of the local constabulary, must take most of the blame. He was, after
all, the man in charge. And if programmes aren't available (and they weren't) and a full list of results is not obtainable (and it wasn't—not even on Monday evening) who else must shoulder the responsibility?
But the complaints do not end there by any means. Despite the small entry (as few as 70 drivers took part) the tests were not completed until 4 p.m. The results that were ultimately announced CHELTENHAM RESULTS
Overall Winner: D. Hanks (Paragon Laundries Ltd.). Commer.
Team Award: Paragon Laundries Ltd.
Class A to 16 ft.: I. F. W. Yardley (Fisher and Ludlow Ltd.). Morris. 79 penalty points; 2. R. Walters (Austin Motor Co. Ltd.). Austin. 181; 3. F. H. Morgan (Fisher and Ludlow Ltd.). Morris. 212 (three entries only).
Class B--16 to 19 ft.: 1. D. Hanks (Paragon Laundries Ltd.). Commer, 71; 2, S. Dolman (Austin Motor Co. Ltd.), Austin, 155; 3. W. W. Norton (Paragon Laundries Ltd.). Contract', 178.
Class C--19 to 22 ft.: 1. Broadhurst (Austin Motor Co. Ltd.), Austin. 112; 2, Robinson (Tate and Lyle Ltd.). Austin, 142: 3, Spencer (Schweppes Ltd.), 155.
Class D-22 to 25 ft.: I. Hill (Tate and Lyle Ltd.), Albion. 118; 2, Green (Hoover Ltd.),
Commer, 134; 3. Leggitt (S.P.D. Ltd Bedford, 143.
Class El --over 25 ft.. two axles: 1, Cole (Elliott Bros.), Bedford, 362; 2. Camden (Sun Valley Poultry Ltd.), A.E.C.. 353; 3, Lynes (San Valley Poultry Ltd.). Morris. 459.
Class E2—over 25(1.. more than two axles: 1. Hillier (Petrofina (G.B.) Ltd.). Atk:nson. 233; 2, White (T. Wall and Sons Ltd.). A.E.C., 309; 3, Budge (T. Wall and Sorts Ltd.). A CC.. 331.
Class El—box or tanker semi-trailer up to 30 IL tractive units ander 4 IOUS: 1. Hew:ii (Fisher and Ludlow Ltd.), Morris, 150; 2, Barr (Fisher and Ludlow Ltd.), Morris. 194: 3, Eaton lAtEtin Motor Co. Ltd.). Austin, 229.
Class F2--box or tanker sankrailers op to 30 ft.. tractive units over 4 tons: 1, McMullen (Fisher and Ludlow Ltd.). Morris. 290: 2. Phillips (Fisher and Ludlow Ltd.). Morris, 341; 3, Asery (Tate and Lyle Ltd.), Bedford. 407.
Class C—flat or sided semi-trallers up to 30 ft.. tractive omits 4 Ions and overt No entry.
Class H—box or tanker serol-trailers with tractive snit. 4 tons and over: 1. Godfrey (Tate and Lyle Ltd.), Guy. 353: 2. Green (Hoover Ltd.), Commer. 406; 3. Grays (Hoover Ltd.). A.E.C.. 440.
Class S—Service vehicles.19 to 24(1.: I, Taylor (Gloucester Fire Service), Bedford, .214; 2. Mitchel/ (Gloucester Fire Service). Bedford, 251: 3, Harrington (R.A.F. Barry), Bedford, 288.
were not given until 5.30 p.m. By the time the prizes had been presented by the Mayor, ClIr. W. J. Lewis, it was 6 p.m. In my view—and judging by what seems to be possible at other centres— this was at least two hours too late. Such a late finish, inconveniencing drivers, spectators (and reporters!) is thoroughly reprehensible.
I heard many complaints from both drivers and spectators. One driver, proudly sporting the badges of a Coventry finalist of previous years, told me that last year he had competed at Weymouth. "And I shall go there next year," he said. If this sentiment is shared by many there may well be difficulty in staging a Cheltenham contest at all next year.
More complaints? Certainly. There was no loudspeaker system to give information to onlookers and contestants. Catering facilities were poor—some drivers arriving at Gloucester just before lunch (having at that time just completed the road test section!) were not even offered a cupof tea. I understand there had been chaos at the road-test starting point (in Cheltenham) where all drivers were due to report at 8 a.m. Apparently drivers had not received entry cards to display on their vehicles and it took some time to sort out entry numbers and get the drivers off on the road section in proper sequence. No doubt the fact that entries for this event were being received as late as the morning it took place must have complicated affairs. But why permit such late entries?
Now what of the driving? There were some very good performances—but the overall standard was not particularly high. This is evidenced by the fact that in five of the 10 classes the winner registered more than 200 penalty points—in two of them more than 350 points.
Overall winner this year was D. Hanks. of Paragon Laundries Ltd., who handled his Commer with consistent skill throughout. This local firm must be very pleased that they support this contest—they not only provided the overall winner but walked off with the team prize as well. Last year's overall victor, G. McMullen (Fisher and Ludlow Ltd.), repeated his triumph of last year in Class F2, but incurred more than twice as many penalty points on this occasion.