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T HERE is little doubt that there is considerable concern amongst operators whenever the subject of braking efficiencies is...
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MINE sizes of freight container have 1 1 1 now been adopted as a basis for international standardization as a result of the...
THE business at Deeping St. James I (Lines) of Allen's Transport Ltd. has been acquired for £40,000 by the Ross Group, Grimsby....
T HE business of Siddle C. Cook Ltd., of Consett, Co. Durham, operators of 57 vehicles and a large number of specialized...
A GREEMENT has been reached for Pointer Group Holdings Ltd. to acquire the whole of the share capital of R. C. Norman (Holton)...
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B ECAUSE of what they consider to be the inadequacy of British vehicles the Transport Association are giving serious...
L EEDS was the area chosen for the 1 -4 first of the intensive roadside checks of goods vehicles under the "summer blitz"...
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Dr Sugar ? A NEW container system for carrying liquids has been patented by Andrews Bros. (Bristol) Ltd., of Liverpool 3. It...
A S recorded briefly last week, Pressoturn Ltd., of Leamington Spa, has formed a new division, Tote Systems International, to...
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the furniture trade ", Mr. R. W. J. Stevenson, manager of A. C. Penman Ltd., the Dumfries bodybuilders, told The Commercial...
A LEYLAND Octopus with bodywork consisting of three skip-type containers is being used by J. H. Whitehead and Co. Ltd.,...
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A TANDEM-AXLE semi-trailer with a body conforming to TER specification is now offered by Seammell Lorries Ltd. The body has a...
A LIGHTWEIGHT single-axle semiPA trailer has been added to the range made by Crane Fruehauf Trailers Ltd. It has been named the...
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From Our Industrial Correspondent T HE railwaymen are in favour of allout competition for long-distance freight with private...
M R. MARPLES told a surprised Commons on Wednesday that he wants a lot of freight to go from the roads to the railways—and the...
A A GROUP of tipper operators controlling 300 vehicles is the potential arising from a meeting of Devon and Cornwall tipper...
THE Government is considering whether it should introduce a scheme for the marking of vehicles containing dangerous goods....
NfiR. MARPLES this week refused to make it compulsory for a driver and an attendant to be on all vehicles carrying dangerous...
THE Minister of Transport is getting in touch with the local authorities concerned to see if he can reach agreement with them...
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" roR the future ... we must be ready I to accept and adopt new ideas and new methods. 1 doubt if we shall see totally new...
A N M.P. last week suggested in the Commons that it was more than coincidence that pollution from petrol and diesel fumes had...
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DISCUSSED BY F. K. MOSES I T is not just the " Mersey sound" that has come out of Liverpool lately! Three years ago Liverpool...
the city's buses has been replaced, temporarily, by a request. From Monday (July 6) the Corporation's 1,400 vehicles carry the...
. has had a very strong support from the public for its new venture—" weekenders "—or two-day holidays from Yorkshire to...
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Road Services (Meat Haulage) Ltd., in succession to Mr. H. F. Minter, who retires from that position today (Friday) but remains...
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T HE Court of Session in Edinburgh on Tuesday began hearing appeals by the British Railways Board and 22 hauliers against the...
A LONGPORT, Stoke-on-Trent, haulier who had recently been fined more than £1,000 in respect of over 100 offences ,relating to...
S UBSTANTIVE applications by Econofreight Transport Ltd. and H. 1.. Walker Ltd., each to add three longlength semi-trailers to...
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M ORE than 20 customer witnesses supported an application by ..Crosvilla Motor Services Ltd. at Llandudno last week for an...
A N appeal by Graham's Bus Services Ltd. against the decision of the Scottish Traffic Commissioners granting to the Western...
an appeal by Associated Motorways, Cheltenham, a g ainst the decision of the South Wales Traffic Commissioners granting to the...
T HE Transport I ribunal in London last week reserved its decision in an appeal a g ainst a g rant by the Western Licensin g...
I N written decisions the North Western Traffic Commissioners have granted, wholly or in part, applications to vary conditions...
hear five appeals in Edinbur g h next week. Tuesday. July 14: Alexander Hayton v. British Railways and others; George Tait and...
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A LTHOUGH it was understood lag week that the proposed changes in the vehicle weights and dimensions regulations had been...
(Barton Stacey) Ltd. has been acquired by Alexander Stephen and Sons Ltd., shipbuilders, of Linthouse, Glasgow. As a result Mr....
rLAIMED to combine the advantages N.- , of direct injection with the advantages of pre-combustion, a new dualchamber...
came into operation on Monday. It applies to nearly all employees working 21 hours or more a week and entitles them to a...
of special regulations made by the Minister of Labour under the Office, Shops and Railway Premises Act, 1963, were published...
ROJECTS costing over £4m. which will increase the size of Ashok Leyland's vehicle producing factories in Madras, and almost...
cars in the first half of 1964 was a record 184,786 units—a 51 per cent increase on the same period last year. Commercial...
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T HE rights for the manufacture of the Ebert hydromechanical transmission have been acquired for the U.K. and a number of other...
B.M.C. VEHICLES FOR G.P.O.: The British Motor Corporation has secured orders for a total of 5,790 vehicles, mainly commercial,...
LTOPING that his attendance would/ in my small way", as he put it— emphasize the importance the Ministry of Transport and the...
'THE clutch of any heavy vehicle I requires ventilation, and for this purpose manufacturers provide vents, which will be...
THIS week's prizewinner is Mr. F. I Wright, of Hull, Yorks, who submitted two ideas. The first concerns the accelerator cable...
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to be marketed by 1-1 Fox Inventions Ltd., of Leicester, is intended primarily for users of small commercial vehicles,...
and H. Tool Co. of Cleveland. Ohio, have recently been introduced to the British market by Anglo-American Marketing Associates....
Manual" has recently been published by the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain) Ltd. It is intended to be used as a...
tyre for fork lift trucks has been announced by India Tyres Ltd. A steel breaker is built into the tyre tread to reduce risk of...
is now being Marketed by Helec Ltd. The IvIVAC models range from the Sonic (price £1 12s. 6d.), a simplified model of the...
has been added to the library of tyre reconditioners Vacu-Lug Traction Tyres Ltd., of Grantham, Lincs. The film deals with the...
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By H. R. FEATHERSTONE Secretary, Traders Road Transport Association I T is probably true to say that most people engaged in...
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Continued from page 54 The biggest assumption of.allrelates to the fundamental basis of conducting the analysis. The actual...
A LIFTING frame.hinged at the front, and a rear-mounted twin-ram elevating gear enable containers, packing cases and so on, to...
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I T was strawberries arid cream time while 1 was picking my way around Britain's favourite holiday counties and talking to some...
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Swan Song ? Was his address on Monday night to the Institute of Transport in London Ernest Marples' swan song? He offered to...
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ROAD TEST: A.E.O. Renown 71-seat double-decker bus B ECAUSE the A.E.C. Renown double-decker was introduced just over two years...
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TH IS really was a most unsatisfactory contest; by far the worst administered I've ever been to. And so far as one can deduce...
WHEN the class winners came to W receive their trophies at the Fleet wood Lorry Driver of the Year Competition last Sunday,...
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" TF anyone thinks that a lorry driver I is anything other than a skilled craftsman, this afternoon will have dispelled that...
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E XTRAVAGANT hopes seem to be pinned on the report of the Geddes Committee. According to Mr. George Brown the Labour Party is...
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A ROUND £4,000m. per annum is spent on inland transport in this country. By any standards this is a substantial amount and...
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Giltspur Raises Dividend 'F market had almost taken for granted that the results of G1LTSPUR INVESTMENTS for the year ending...