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11th January 1963
Page 45
Page 45, 11th January 1963 — NORTH WESTERN
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

APPLICATIONS (January 4, 19631

11. Griffiths and Sons, Anglesey, A var., add I vela (440. Livestock and farm produce within 60 miles. (Veh, at present specified on C lie.) Knight Bros., Ashton-under-Lyne, A var., add 4 veh. (1St). (Vans.) Evan Cook (Liverpool) Ltd., Liverpool, A var., add 1 veh. (610. G.g. G.E.

M. Ellison, Liverpool, A var., add 1 veh. (13)0 (includes container (1-10).

F. L. Fax, Mamie, A var., add I veh. (410 (Van).

Williams Bros. (Queensferry) Ltd., Queensfcrry, A var., add 2 vela (70.

T. H. Hughes, Anglesey (Llanbedrgoch). new B lie., 1 T. (310. Stones for ruadmaking and gravel and building mats. within Anglesey.

D. S. Bruce, Birkenhead, new B lie. 1 veh, (410. Bulk limestone for A. E. Delf and 6o. Ltd., and HaLkyn District United Mines Ltd. within 25 miles.

(Veh, specified on contract A lie.) .

D. Richardson, Manchester, new B lie., I vein. (3)t). Excavation haulage and building mats. within 35 mite_s.

J. W. Hughes, Ruthin, new B lie., 2 T. (95). Goods for Ruthin and Denbigh Tarmac Co., Gwaiia Fertilizer Ltd., Britain Ferry, Neath, Glamorgan, as required. (One veh. specified on contract A lit,)

E. Rockett, Urmston (Lanes), new B lie., 1 T. (30. Building and readmaking mats. within 100 miles.

N. J. Sawyer, Wallasey, new B tic., 1 T. (40. Building mats. within 75 miles.

H. I. Edwards, Anglesey, B var., add 1 T. (4t). Road plant and mats. (direct to sites) within 25 miles.

V. Roberts, Anglesey (Llandegfan), B var„ add T. (4)0. Road plant and mats. (direct to sites) within Anglesey,

L. E. W. Jones, Caernarvon, B var., add 1 T. (310, Road plant and mats. (direct to sites) within 25 miles.

C. Claridge Ltd., Manchester, B var, add 1 vets. (3)0 (Vats). Textiles, light machinery and confectionery packed and unpacked, within 41) miles.

Joseph Tabner Ltd., Manchester. B var., add 4 T. (160 to be hired, blahall and Woodhead Ltd., Scarisbrick, B var., add I veh. (910.