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FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT C ONTROL of transport capacity, qualificational restrictions for people seeking entry into...
THE undttrtaking of another ,survey of C-licensed transport, similar to the one it carried out in 1958, is still being -...
suitable accommodation, this year's annual conference of the Road 1-Tautage Association, which it was originally planned to...
successfully contested a charge of using a vehicle which emitted excessive smoke, the St. Albans magistrates dismissing the...
A N eliminating round of the Lorry PA Driver of the Year Competition is to be held this year at Fleetwood, Lancs. The date...
Lorry Driver of the Year Competition is being investigated by the area branch of the Royal Society for the Prevention of...
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P LANS for an expansion in both the Irish Sea and North Sea services of Atlantic Stearn Navigation Co. Ltd. (Transport Ferry...
(Holdings), has formed a subsidiary, Blox (Polar Blast) Services, to specialize in the development of com mercial...
Son Ltd., of Glasgow, has been acquired by the Proprietors of Hay's Wharf Ltd., and will serve as an expansion to the lowloader...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT RITISH ROAD SERVICES is to give higher pay to its operating grades. At a meeting between...
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT MOW it is clear that concerns in the 1 1 1 Transport Holding Company's charge are to be given a...
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try's "Turn that Lorry Round" theme for National Productivity Year, a survey of the transport operation within its factory at...
THE movement of heavy pallets by air cushioning was forecast by Mr. G. G. Harding, transport manager, motorbus department,...
IVERPOOL CORPORATION PAS SENGER TRANSPORT COMMITTEE has notified the National Joint Industrial Council of a dispute regarding...
single-decker p.s.v bodywork being introduced by Strachans Coachbuilders Ltd., was given last week when a 28-seater coach for...
O NE of the first results of the Transport Holding Company's obvious intention to allow its constituent bodies considerable...
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rx A SUBSTANTIAL number of American bookings for European tours are said to have been obtained on the U.S. tour by a Bedford...
NEWS IN BRIEF New Bus Depot: Neath and Cardiff Luxury Coaches Ltd. is having a new bus depot and coach garage built at Briton...
a £65,000 contract by Port Talbot Corporation found after one night's work that his own lorries were not licensed to do the...
THE West Midland deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. R. Hall, was told on Tuesday that a future increase in goods being carried to...
Mr. D. I. R. Muir, on Wednesday revoked a one vehicle B licence after hearing how a customer who had supported an application...
DRITISH ROAD SERVICES, (PICKFORDS) LTD., was given permission to re-base three of its A-licensed tankers in the North Western...
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"THE Licensing Authority depends, to a very large extent in the exercise of his duty, on hauliers answering questions that are...
and was told to complete the form giving the registration numbers of the vehicles in question. "I was quite alone and this was...
IN a case of considerable transport interest, Mr. Niall MacDermot, 7VI.P„ deputy chairman, upheld at Bedfordshire Quarter...
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T HE policy adopted by certain large organizations, of not sending witnesses to traffic courts to give evidence of support to...
T HE expected hearing of the Granary Haulage application, which was due to be heard at Birmingham at the end of this month,...
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A MONO several large applications noted this week are three contract A :o 13 licence switches, involving 23 vehicles, from a...
APPLICATIONS (January 5, 1963) J. G. Barrack, Aberdeen, A var., add 1 art. (914). British Railways, Duffmwn, A var.. add 1...
APPLICATIONS (January 5. 1963) Duncan Barbour and Son Ltd., Glasgow, new A tic., 6 art. (37at), Whisky for Strathleven Bonding...
APPLICATIONS (January 2, 1963) BERM Road Services Ltd., Carlisle, A Var., add 2 veh. (90. 1. Carson, Carlisle, A tar., add I...
APPLICATIONS (January 4, 19631 11. Griffiths and Sons, Anglesey, A var., add I vela (440. Livestock and farm produce within 60...
APPLICATIONS (January 2, 1963) A. E. Scothern and Son. Parkgate (nr. Botherham), A var., add 3 irls. (1110, W. Carr and Son...
APPLICATIONS (January 3, 1963) G. E. Taylor, Walsall Wood, new A tic., Luria (411). Wheelbarrows, tubular meet gates,...
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APPLICATIONS (January 7, 1963) J. A. Walsh. Hindcrclay. new B lie.. 1 yell. (31). Sugar beet, meal and corn within 100 miles;...
APPLICATIONS (January 1, 1963) A. E. George, Brewham (Som.), A var.. add 1 veh. (710. (Includes livestock container MO.) Mainly...
APPLICATIONS (January 3, 1963) Lenham Storage Co. Ltd., Lenhani, A var., add 6 art. (330. Collin Ashby Ltd., Maidstone. A...
APPLICATIONS (January 3, 1963) A. E. Brant. N.W.I0, new B lie., I T. (40. Rubbish within 20 miles. A. W. Ellis (Transport)...
IN order to improve its parcels service in the north west, North Wales and the Midlands, James Latham and Sons (Carriers)...
T HE Minister of Transport has dismissed the appeal by Norfolk Motor Services Ltd. against the decision of the Eastern Traffic...
new job as traffic manager of the Rhondda Transport Co. Ltd„ Mr. J. C. Clymo straightway represented his company at a sitting...
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Ltd., has been appointed works mana g er of the Cardiff branch of Commercial Vehicle Sales and Repairs Ltd. Thornber Bros....
W E re g ret to record the deaths of Mr. Edwin Bramble and Mr. R. Hastings. Mr. Bramble, Newcastle-upon-Tyne haulier, g ara g e...
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A CLOSE COUPLED load divider 1 - t dolly which, in effect, converts a four-wheel tractive unit into a six-wheeler so that it...
rt commercial vehicles is to be built ir Pakistan as a joint venture of Mack Trucks Inc., USA, and Pakistani Government and...
economic and social committee has set up a working group which meets today, Friday, under the chairmanship of M. Macario, to...
O NE of the many power unit exhibits displayed at the International Boat Show, Earls Court, which closes on Saturday, is a new...
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P1 has been introduced by Telehoist Ltd. The range is based on two basic rams, a two-stage unit with ram diameters of 3-25 in,...
large overseas orders in 1963 for Leylands and Albions have come from Australia. Albion is to supply 80 Chieftain 7-tanners and...
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rr HE first of three van semi' trailers for bulk grain transport has recently been delivered by the York Trailer Co. Ltd. to...
NEWS IN BRIEF New Castro! Depot in London: Castro] Ltd. has opened a new London distribution depot at Mowtem Street, Cambridge...
'THE total number of new commercial hiele registrations for the month of October was 22,656. This figure is only moderate when...
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A NEW battery electric industrial tractor has been introduced by Wessex Industries (Poole) Ltd., Dolphin Works, West Street,...
rt A UNIT designed primarily for the mixing of a secondary fluid with water in predetermined quantities has been developed by...
A SIMPLE and easily made mechanical splice for fibre ropes has been developed by Cable Covers Ltd., who already make the...
T HE first trichloroethylene-thinned paint to be sold in Britain has been introduced by I.C.I. Paints Division and is being...
A CONSIDER ABLE expansion of PI. Continental holiday facilities offered by Wallace Arnold Tours Ltd., Leeds, is reflected in...
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O NE thing that alwp.ys endears our American cousins to me (when they're not throwing their nuclear weight around) is their...
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LATITUDE IN LICENSING W HAT ought we to do about our Continental confreres who will soon be coming to this country in greater...
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W HETHER or not it will ever prove possible to achieve a set of uniform vehicle construction and use regulations for the whole...
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In all cases identical brakes are employed, these being S-cam units actuated through a split-circuit air-pressure system and...
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Striking similarities between American system of controlling road carriers and the E.E.C. proposals T HE similarity between the...
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place all the time. Roads arc improved and vehicles redesigned, but there are some problems that have been with the industry...
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U RGENT appeals for better communications, especially in the areas where unemployment is growing, coupled with the streamlining...
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K NOWN as a non-returnable pallet system, a method of assembling packs of collapsed fibre-board cartons has been evolved by the...
By A. HEGARTY rAST, careful handling of freight shipments at lorry terminals is essential to the success' of a modern fleet....
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YOUR commentator, "The Hawk ", alleged recently -L that the pattern of maintenance work on the MI Motorway has now degenerated...
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Economic operation and efficient maintenance can ensure low costs per mile, but increased revenue is dependent both on the...
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A. Adams and Sons Transport (Shareshill) Ltd. Can. £5,000. Dirs.: G. H. Adams, Hilton Cottage, Hilton Lane, Shareshin, via...