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"A" Lorry Each Granted to Two Hauliers

13th February 1959
Page 43
Page 43, 13th February 1959 — "A" Lorry Each Granted to Two Hauliers
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

L'OLLOW1NG the unconditional withdrawal of British Transport Commission objections; additional A-licensed

vehicles were granted to Mr. W. P. Twibell, Mobberley, and Hawkins Express Carriers, TimperIey, at Manchester on Monday.

Mr. F. Moss, for Mr. Tvvibell, said he ran two Aand one B-licence vehicles, mainly on the collection and delivery of milk for the Milk Marketing Board. The Opening of a new branch in Knutsford by the Macclesfield and District Farmers' Trading Society, Ltd., who were the sole agents for the distribution of 1.C.I. fertilizers, and operated a corn-grinding plant, was new work its the area and had already reached £80 a month.

Because existing vehicles were fully engaged on milk until noon, Mr. Twihell also found himself letting down many farmer •customers. A vehicle of 11 tons unladen was sought and, after a meeting of the road and rail negotiating committee. a British Railways objection had been withdrawn unconditionally.

For Hawkins Express, Mr. .1. A. Diaskerley said they had one vehicle on A licence with a normal user of "parcels and smalls, Manchester and Cheshire." The average earnings had increased during the past year from 1187 to 1236 a month. It was impossible to hire because of the nature of the business and an additional vehicle of 3 tons unladen was

sought. A B.T.C. objection had been withdrawn.