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Randa Likes Lorries ,d Buses From U.k.
the 613 new lorries registered in ganda last year, 442 were from the I Kingdom—and Bedfords were top list, with 178 units. Next came (104) and Mercedes-Benz (93). are now 4,985......
W Cost Of Competition 4petit1on In The Commercial Chicle...
is so intense that are being cut despite rising costs. was slated by Mr. Michael Moore, nan of Jonas Woodhead and Sons, Leeds vehicle suspension specialists, he pointed out that......
Big New Depot For Red And White
PA. A BUS station capable of handling the I.50 vehicles serving the Glamorgan and Monmouthshire valleys from Tredegar has been opened for the operators. Red and White Services,......
"a" Lorry Each Granted To Two Hauliers
L'OLLOW1NG the unconditional withdrawal of British Transport Commission objections; additional A-licensed vehicles were granted to Mr. W. P. Twibell, Mobberley, and Hawkins......
L" Vehicles Had Contract Trailers
[EN Barber Turnock Transport, Ltd., Stockport, put in an A licence cation to the North Western Licensauthority, Mr. F, Williamson, on say, the hearing was adjourned after......
Move To Increase Crane Sales
T O combat what they term " the aggressive bid of Continental crane manufacturers for world markets," Steel and Co., Ltd., Sunderland, have made an offer for the whole of the......
Indian Conference
In A MESSAGE of greeting from the Traders' Road Transport Association was read at the opening session of the two-day conference of the All-India Motor Unions' Congress held at......