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And D. Vehicle Lestricted To Fish !,re Were No Objections
from fish auliers when Link Road Transport , Ltd., applied at Bridlington, last for a new B licence to cover a e of 2* tons unladen for collection elivery within six miles of......
Plastics Containers For Rail Services Experimental...
deliveries have been ed by British Railways. Resined glass fibre will be used far the ends, floors and roofs of the units, :hey will have mild steel bases and 1;s to enable them......
Ioad-heating Progress
rISFACTORY progress has been nadc by the Road Research Laborainto electrical heating of roads, Mr. ticholls, Parliamentary Secretary to dinistry of Works. stated last week. ce......
And All Because Of Half A Crown . . .
L'OR many years two Somerset coach 1 operators shared business between them, carrying miners to local pits. Then came the closure of one of the major collieries, and last week......
Big Seammell On Trial On The Continent
D ESTINED for the Amsterdam Commercial Vehicle Show, a Scammell Highwayman 28ULQ680S144 12-ft.wheelbase left-hand-drive tractive unit, with Leyland 0.680 oil engine, was shipped......
No Delay With Testing Scheme T He Minister Of Transport...
in the House of Commons last week that he did not think there would be any further delay in introducing a vehicle testing scheme. Up to February 3, 10.054 garages and 20 local......