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Post Office Continue Tests With Oilers
F URTHER tests with oil engines are to be made by the Post Office before thcy decide whether tc replace all their petrol-engined vehicles by oilers. So far. 50 vans of......
Novel Power Drive For Nubian
A NEW design of power drive has been devised by Transport Equipment (Thornycroft), Ltd., for the Nubian sixwheel-drive fire tender. The drive unit is incorporated with the......
Dublin Men Say " No " To Containers
n UBLIN'S cross-channel dockers, by an overwhelming majority, have rejected the recommendation of the Labour Court that they should handle container traffic for an experimental......
Abolish Speed Limit, Say Bus Operators
T "proposal to raise the speed limit for buses and coaches outside builtup areas to 40 m.p.h. has brought a protest from the Public Transport Association. the Municipal......
" Safety Belts Would Halve Accidents"
T HE use of safety belts would reduce fatalities and the seriousness of injuries to drivers and passengers of vehicles by 50 per cent., according to a report submitted to the......
Tax Fraud Charges: Defence Unprepared
ON an application by the defence, the trial of three men and a woman accused of conspiracy and income tax frauds was put over to the February Sessions at the Old Bailey last......
M.p.s Told Of Parking Problems In France
T HE number of vehicles on the road should not be allowed to increase at a fantastic rate without adequate parking facilities being provided, together with plenty of road room.......
New Traffic Wardens—cash Problem Arises
THE much-publicized proposal for recruiting a corps of traffic wardens in Nottingham has received a body-blow —from Nottingham itself. The Finance Committee have refused to pay......