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Hauliers Sceptical About 10-hour Rail Service
BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT I ONDON hauliers engaged on the London-Glasgow trunk route view 1 - 4 with some scepticism the announcement that, from March 16, British Railways......
Special Low-loaders Not Needed ?
THE proposed expenditure of £24,000 on new vehicles to undertake a 4,000ton pipe haul from Scotland to North Wales came in for strong criticism when McKelvie and Co., Ltd.,......
Exception To Protection For Losing Services
O PERATORS of unremunerative services must generally be protected against abstraction by newcomers from their existing facilities and must be given preference in the provision......
London Bus Traffic 19.3% Down
pDASSENGERS carried by London Transport's buses and coaches last year were 19.3 per cent, fewer than in 1957, and mileage dropped by 15.8 per cent. Trolleybus traffic declined......
No Loading Ban—yet
P ROPOSALS for banning the loading and unloading of vehicles during specific hours in congested areas of Newcastle upon Tyne have been shelved for four months by the city......