Financial News of the industry
Page 22

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John Yule (TrartsPort), Ltd.—Private company. Reg. in Edinburgh June 23. Cap. £14.000 in £1 shares. To acquire the business at a haulage contractor and coal merchant carried on at Stonehaven, AuchenWee and Aberdeen as "John Yule." Directors:—Andrew Robertson, 5, Devanha Gardens, East Aberdeen; William C. Robertson, 11, South Crown Street, Aberdeen; James A. S. Robertson., 28, Belvidere Crescent, Aberdeen. Rety„ office: 14', Bon-Accord Square, Aberdeen. Ceiweyrnere Transport. Ltd—Private company, Reg. June 29. Cap. £10,000 in £1 shares. To acquire the business of a haulage and removal contractor, motor engineer. etc., carried on by Aubrey Frost, of Scunthorpe. Subscribers:—fly. W. F. Parrott, 48a, Bargate, Grimsby; Jar. W, Clark, 4 Revige Avenue, Grimsby. Solicitor: Jas. Young, 8, Town Hall Street, Grimsby. Reg. office:-26, Eastgate, Louth, Lincolnshire. J. maidment, Ltd.—Private company. Reg. June 28. Cap. £5,000 in £1 shares. To acquire the business of garage and motorproprietors, etc., carried on by It. F. and G. W. Maidnient. at ictoria Road and Nightinjale Road, Hitchin, as "J. Maidment" and "G. Kirby: respectively. Directors:—Robert F. Maidment,South View, Victoria Road, Hitchin; Geo. W. Maidment, 65, Nightingale Road, Hitchin. Solicitorc—Passingham and Hill, Hitchin. Reg. office:—Sciutb View, Victoria Road, Hitehin.
W. and . Jonas, Ltd.e-Private company. Reg. June 27. Cap. £5,000 in £1 shares. To carry on the bushiest of a haulage contractor, bus, car and coach proprietor, etc. Directors:—Reginald Jones, 51, Hendrick Street, Doncaster; Wilfred H. Jones. 29, Watch Rouse Lane, Doncaster. Reg. office:-51, Bentinck Street, Doncaster. Regent Garage and Engineering Co. (Widnes), Ltd.—Private company. Reg. June 28. Cap.. £2,000 in £1 shares, To early on the business of a manufacturer of and. dealer in motor vehicles, bodies, coaches, trailers. haulier, etc. Directors:—Tfy. R. Corlett. 116, Kingsway, wldnee: • ,Saint. F. Jones, 26, Highfield Road.. Widnes. Reg. office: Deacon Road. Widnes. Langham Motor Co., Ltd.—Private company,' Reg. July 2. Cap. £2,0Q0 in £1 shares. To carry on the business of a garage proprietor, car, van, lorry ancl coach manufacturer and dealer. etc. Directors:—
Margery K. Winn, 50a. St. Martin's Gardens: Leeds, 7; David F. Rowarth, Hilton Rise, Horner Avenue, BatleY. Reg. office1-8,0a, Lang.
ham Street, Lower Wortley, Leeds. Hilton Park Garage (Prestwich), Ltd.—Private company. Reg. July 2. Cap. £1,000 in £1 shares. To carry on the business of a garage proprietor, haulage contractor, etc. Directors:—Isaao G. Woolf, sett Remo, Sedgley Park Road, Prest•wich, Manchester; Joseph Estry. 12. Hill-wood Avenue, 111gbei Crumpsall, NC. Manchester. Reg. office:— .Bury New Road, 'Prestwich. .0.B.E.A. Transport, Ltd.—Private • compaialr. Reg. July 3. Cap. £ 1,000 in £1 shares, To carry on the business el a carrier of pas. and goods by road, rail, water or air, garage proprietor, etc. Directors:—ffenry tr. Diamond and Florence Diamond, both of 33, Jane Street. Londan. E.1. Solieiters:—Mawbie, Barrie and Letts, London, E.C.Y. Reg. office:-33. Jane Street, London. E.1. E. Oransfield and sons, Ltd.=Privee company. Reg. June 28. Cap. £1,000 in £1 shores. To carry on the business of a mptor and general engineer, etc., coachbuittler. garage and serviee-station, proprietor, etc. Directors:—Ernest Mansfield. Helen Dransfield, DeuVas Dransfieid. and Norman Wangled, all of Eskdele, Normoss Road, Staining, Blackpool. Reg. office:-19. Lytham Road, Blackpool. •
F. J. Reeves and Co. (Plymouth). Ltd. (formerly Weeks Hawley, Ltd.). timber merchant and. contractor, etc., 7, The 'Plains, Vetoes, heron. Name changed to F. J. Reeves and Co. (Transport), Ltd., on May 31, 1945. mORTGADES AND CHARGES G. Davies. Blythe Bridge Transport, Ltd.. Langton. Particulars filed, of
£ 10,000 debentures authorized June 15, 1945, charged on the con] pony's undertaking and property, present and future, including uncalled capital, the.whole amount being now, issued.
Davis Luxury coaches Ltd., 36, Hector, Road; Canning Town, Loudon. E.16. Debenture. charged tin. the'company undertakong and property, present and future, including uncalled capital, .dated June 1, 1945, to secure all moneys due or to become due fromt,he company to Barclays Bank, Ltd.