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Syria, Egypt and Palestine, Capt. H. C. Longhurst gave an address to a meeting of members of the London Chamber of Commerce....
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That spring service goes on all the year. That scientific loading may -turn pennies into pounds. , That too much handling...
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its Sales Organization pIPORTANT events are happening in iconneetion with the Leyland sales organization, these including the...
A S indicated in another paragraph, H.M.F. is to discuss the question of . co-operation with "certain independent associations...
AANY operators of commercial 11 1 1 vehicles and thousands of other people in various spheres of businessand industry must...
Q NE of the most important factors in any building in vhich work has to be undertaken is ample natural light. This is not only...
O N Friday, July 20, at 2 p.m., at the Hoiborn. Restaurant, London, the National Association of Road Transport groups is...
A DEPUTATION representing motor coach operators in the Sheffield, Rotherham and Maltby districts was received by the North-east...
traffic licensing I inquiry in the North-eastern Region since pre-war days will be held at Bridlington Town Hall on July 19....
D ELAYS to vehicles at export berths at the docks at Liverpool have been the subject of complaints to the Livertool Port...
C CHESTERTransport Committee's report for the past municipal year shows revenue to have been £80,222, . an increase of £4,732....
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A MEETING of H.M.F. arranged for July 11, at Leicester, has been postponed • to enable the National Executive to attend an...
COUNCILLOR HUGH LEE, a member of the transport committee of Manchester Corporation, has been nominated as next Lord Mayor of...
T HE first annual general meeting,of the Birmingham Section of the Institute of Traffic Administration was held, last week, at...
A SCHEME for the provision of a bus station in the town of Pudsey, situated on the borders of Leeds and Bradford, was the...
r those operators who experience difficulty . with the safe removal and effective replacement of the wheel nuts on twin wheels,...
7 1 1-IE Scottish Area of the R.H.A. 1 has had a very active month with a considerable programme of public meetings, as well as...
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A CC1DENTS on the road during May caused the deaths of 125 child pedestrians and child cyclists, an increase of 35 'on the...
T HE closing down of Hull Corporation's tramways system after 40 years' service was marked by a ceremonial journey by the last...
S PEAKING • at the annual general meeting of the Scottish Motor Trade Association, the retiring president, Mr. S. J. Hutcheson,...
business of Messrs. A. IVIathieson and Sons, Prestonpans, has been taken over by George Paterson and Sons, Ltd., haulage...
T HE Ovingham bridge over the River Tyne has been freed from tolls. The cost of freeing was £5,500, plus legal charges. The...
win.L. Mr. H. M. Houghton, who W recently contributed an article to this journal dealing with the training of maintenance...
T HE next meeting of the London branch of the Industrial Transport Association will be held on July 17, at 6.30 p.m., at the...
W ITH the object of adding to the efficiency of Firestone tyre service and distribution in Scotland, a branch office and...
D URING the year ended March 31 last, the transport undertaking of West Hartlepool Corporation made a surplus of £13,644,...
T "j. H. Turner Memorial Fund has now exceeded £2,000', but as the committee hopes that it will be worthy of one who served the...
to : its members by the Liverpool Cart and Motor Owners' Association:— " When signing for loads,'particalarly at. the docks,...
John Yule (TrartsPort), Ltd.—Private company. Reg. in Edinburgh June 23. Cap. £14.000 in £1 shares. To acquire the business at...
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OUTINGS • COLLOWING the announcement by 1 the M.0, 1 ALT. that special buses may he used for private parties, without prior...
AsSociated Equip1 ment Co., Ltd., Southall, Middlesex, will be closed for the annual summer holidays from July 23 to August 7,...
A MEETING of hauliers in Howden, Market Weighton and suriounding Yorkshire districts, held recently at Market Weighton, under...
The death is announced of MR. H.W. CLARK, M.Inst.C,E., M.Inst. Welding, assistant engineer (bridges and structures) to London...
A. DUI:FIELD, J.P., a director .af H. and G. Duffield, Ltd., and brother of Mr. Henry T. Dutfield, chairman of the N.R.T.F....
DATIONALIZATION of the French AN. motor industry, and passible methods of co-operation between motor manufacturers in this...
T HE summer programme of the Omnibus Society includes the to:lowing:—July 14: Study visit, Colchester area. Those participating...
cate for motor vehicle service mechanics has been worked out by the National Joint Industrial Council for the Motor Vehicle...
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M ANY people would like to speak on roads, road transport, motor taxation and kindred subjects, but da not have the necessary...
W E - are, advised that British Insu. lated Cables, Ltd., and Callender's Cable and Construction Co.,. Ltd., have anialgamated,...
S EVEN members of the Greek Press Delegation to this country recently visited the works of Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., at...
Airframe Jigs, Machine Tooh, and Trolleyhuses. Included in War Programme B ' ORE the war ; the principal product, of Sunbeam...
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J ECTIa t\T IN V CROSSLEY OIL ENGINE I T was away back in 1931 that CrOsSley Motors, Ltd., Gorton, Manchester, put on the...
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Assessing Costs for Parcels Carrying Third Article of a Series, Including the Story of the Way in Which a Beginner in this...
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in Addition to Specialized War Machines 2,400 Doubledeckers Were Produced in Under Three Years FL R over 20 years, Guy Motor,...
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-rHE story behind the war-time effort. 1 of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., reads more like a fairy story than reality, so seemingly...
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" LET ROAD TRANSPORT SET A GOOD EXAMPLE A s a reader of your journal for 28 years, I would like to criticize the letter of Mr....
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications WHEN opeiating over rough ground, VV it is quite possible for a tractor...