By-Passes Not Used Enough
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ROME towns which had been by-passed at tremendous public expense were ;till snarled up at rush periods by some forms of through and long-distance traffic, complained an M.P. last week. Mr. A. E. P. Duffy (Labour, Caine Valley), who raised the matter in the Commons, suggested that research was required to find out why these drivers were reluctant to take advantage of some of the new by-pass routes.
Vice-Admiral Hughes-Hallett, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, agreed with this, and said the matter was the subject of a great deal of study.
In cases where there was a ring road there was no difficulty at all, he said. But in cases where the by-pass was on only one side of the city it might well be necessary, for the sake of connecting with a primary road entering the city on the side which was not by-passed; for • through traffic to go into the centre. There was considerable concern in Kent on this matter, pointed out Mr. A. P. Costain (Tory, Folkestone and Hythe).• Since the opening of the Medway by-pass a number of heavy lorries. particularly private lorries, were using the main towns.
The view in Kent was that Whitehall might plan, but that tea houses were more attractive than Whitehall's planning, said Mr. Costain. "Would the Ministry consider more tea houses being built on by-passes? " he asked.
He did not think they could undertake the building of tea houses, replied the Admiral, but he would certainly look into the other point raised by Mr. Costain. Mr. Leonard S. Payne has been appointed finance director of British Road Services Ltd., the general haulage company in the B.R.S. group. Mr. Payne, who is 38, has also become a director of B.R.S. (Contracts) Ltd. He was previously deputy group controller of the Morgan Crucible Company Ltd.
At the National Delegate Conference of the Trans port Managers' Club in Blackpool last week-end Mr. Albert E. Searle was elected national chairman. Aged 53, Mr. Searle is manager of the transport and depot stocks department of Castrol Ltd. He has held several offices in the T.M.C.'s London area, including that of chairman. He succeeds Mr. J. Ayling. Mr. H. T. Dutfield has been re-elected national president of the Club.
Stirling County Council has confirmed the appointment as transport manager of Mr. William Macnab, of Dundee.
At elections of the London and Home Counties area of the Traders Road Transport Association, Mr. L A. Castleton (Metal Box Co. Ltd.) was re-elected as chairman and Mr. W. E. Messenger (Pinehin Johnson and Associated Ltd.) was re-elected as vicechairman. At the Surrey and South Middlesex area selections Mr. K. H. Hodges (Hall and Co. Ltd.) was elected chairman and Mr. E. Povey (London Carriers Ltd.) and Mr. P. Wright (Blox Services Ltd.) vice-chairmen.
At the annual general meeting of the South Wales division of the Traders Road Transport Association at Cardiff, Mr. S. M. Kendal (Wm. Hancock and Co. Ltd.) was re-elected as chairman. Re-elected as vice-chairmen were 1Vir. J. R. Elliott (Alcan Industries Ltd.) and Mr. J. I. Plenty (Hoover Ltd.).
Mr. W. T. Charles has been re-elected president of the Institute of the Motor Industry for the year 1964-65. This will be Mr. Charles' second year in office and he will be installed in July next.
Mr. L. J. W. Bailey, at present general manager of the Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd. in charge of all tyre operations in the United Kingdom, and Mr. E. W. Madge, who has been the company's director of research since. 1962, have been appointed to the main board of the company. Both will continue in their present work.
Following the announcement in last week's issue that Dr. A. Fogg, director of the Council of the Motor Industry Research Associa tion since its inception in 1946, was to take up a post in industry, it is now learned that he has accepted an appointment to the board of the Leyland Motor Corporation Ltd.. with the full-time executive position of director of research and developrnent. Dr. Fogg, who is 55, will take up his new duties in August. He took a firstclass honours degree in engineering at Manchester University and from 1930 to 1946 was on the scientific staff of the engineering department at the N.P.L. Commenting on the appointment, Sir William Black, chairman of the Leyland Motor Corporation, said: "In Dr. Fogg, who is one of the country's leading scientific engineers, we have the ideal man to advise the board on our longterm policy of technical development. We have long felt this need for a man of his calibre who can concentrate on research for the future, unharried by fulltime responsibility for everyday product engineering." Dr. Fogg.
Mr. J. Newton, traffic manager of the general rubber goods division, Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd., has been re-elected as chairman for the ensuing year of the Manchester and district centre of the Institute of Traffic Administration.
Mr. Walter J. Renton retires on April 21, after 40 years' service with London Transport. Mr. Henton, who is 64, has been district superintendent of the SouthEast area of L.T.'s country bus network since 1931. Mr. Henton began his transport career as a conductor with the former East Surrey Traction Co. in 1924. He was awarded the M.B.E. in 1947 for his services to transport in the Second World War. Mr. Horace R. Harwood will take over as district superintendent the day after Mr. Henton retires. Mr. Harwood, who is 47, started with London Transport in 1936 as a depot clerk at Leatherhead garage. After war service he returned to Leatherhead garage in 1946 as a depot inspector. He was appointed assistant district superintendent for the South-East area in 1956.
Mr. S. C. Pearson has been appointed managing director of the Consett Iron Co. Ltd., with effect from next July. He joined the company in 1953 as transport manager.
Mr. J. A. Rossiter has been appointed group publicity manager for S. Smith and Sons (England) Ltd. Mr. D. C. Fastnedge has been appointed marketing manager of Smiths Motor Accessory Division.
At the annual general meeting of thc London diviiion of the Industrial Transport Association. Mr. L. F. G. Hand was elected chairman for the coming yea'. Mr. K. R. Dwyer was elected vice-chairman and Mr. A. E. Prescott, vice-chairman and secretary.
Mr. Frank Baker has been appointed public relations officer of London Transport Board in succession to Mr. F. D. Rose, who is retiring after 43 years' service. Mr. Baker, who is 47, has been with London Transport for 31 years. Mr. Rose joined the London General Omnibus Co. in 1921 and worked in the operating manager's department until the formation of the L.P.T.B. in 1933.
Secretary of the Institute of Traffic Administration, Mr. A. ,C. Gibson, is compelled for family health reasons to make his home permanently in an upland climate in the North. He will relinquish his position at the end of the year, but will continue to be responsible for important aspects of the Institute's administration.
Mr. R. R. Parker, of Tecalernit (Engineering) Ltd.. was forced to hand over his responsibilities as general sales. manager for health reasons in January, 1963. At that time he continued to support and advise his successor, Mr. M. G. Connell. 'However. Mr. Parker's health has not improved and he has now decided to relinquish all his responsibilities with the company,
Mr. H. N. Ginns, formerly assistant chief engineer, traffic engineering division, at the Ministry Of Transport, has been promoted to a deputy chief engineer in the highways organization. Mr. R. J. F. Sansome, formerly a senior engineer in the Metropolitan division, has moved to the Midland division as divisional road engineer in succession to Mr. J. S. Berry, who has filled the vacant post of assistant chief engineer in joint charge of the urban planning and classified roads policy division at headquarters. Mr. H. W. Barkas, who was a senior engineer. becomes assistant chief engineer in charge of the motorway engineering A division in place of Mr. H. S. Keep, who retired on March 31. Mr. W. Downie, formerly a senior engineer in the motorway engineering B division, has been appointed assistant chief engineer in charge of the engineering intelligence division.
Mr. R. S. Gill has been appointed commercial vehicle sales manager of The Morris Garages Ltd., Oxford, He succeeds Mr. R. M. Daniel, who has retired after 42 years with the company.
Mr. S. Baxter has been appointed manager of the Leicester branch of Brown Bros. Ltd.