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S OMETHING for nothing is a prospect that always appeals— particularly if that something also is a money-saver and offers a...
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C ONTINUING its purchases of haulage and storage concerns, the Transport Development Group on Monday acquired the issued share...
WIDENING interest in protecting road YY transport against thieves was reported when the vehicles security committee met in...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT THE Covent Garden Market Authority .I. has asked the Minister of Agriculture to agree to the...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT THERE were two new moves last week 1 in the fight for a five-day week at London's fruit and...
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T HE Ro d Haulage Association is to ask thr Ministry of Transport to permit so e existing vehicles to operate at higher ross...
A LTHOLJGH this country is not a member of the Common Market, the E.E.C. countries are anxious to hear the British point of...
A T the national committee meeting of the Lorry. • Driver of the Year competition on Tuesday it was decided that a trophy will...
More T.F.S. Sailings: The Transport Ferry Service has increased the number of sailings each week from six to eight on its...
G OLNG into service this week with Newcastle upon Tyne Co-operative Society are the first two Shopmobiles built by Smith's...
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FOLLOWING our March 13 announce" ment that a four-spring bogie had been adopted as standard for the A.E.C. Marshal 20-ton-gross...
Filial! our Political Correspondent DRIVATE interests pressing hard for a stake in the building of the Chunnel have made a hid...
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T HE Labour Party does little more than give mostly unpleasant hints about what it would do to road transport if it had the...
A DEMAND for an investigation into a " cartel " of seven or eight road transport firms was made in the Commons this week. It...
S IX faults which caused lorry accidents were listed in the Commons this week —mechanical defects, particularly in the braking...
Ltd. is opening a new branch at Greenbrook Road, Lowerhouse, Burnley, Lancs. The traffic shed has nearly 34,000 sq. ft. of...
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ROME towns which had been by-passed at tremendous public expense were ;till snarled up at rush periods by some forms of through...
• Front our Political Correspondent FREE travel on public service vehicles I for old age pensioners and the blind will be on...
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States' international coach excursions traffic on January 1, 1968, except where restrictions are necessary to protect regular...
F OLLOWING the suggestions in Sunderland and Belfast (The Commercial Motor last week) that public transport should be...
awarded £1,428 damages by Lord Hunter in the court of session last week for injuries suffered in an accident in the...
Liverpool Corporation Bonus Scheme: Liverpool Corporation passenger transport committee has recommended the engagement of...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE long-awaited report of the Phelps Brown Committee of Inquiry into the pay and...
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h i m J. R. C. SAMUEL-GIBBON, al M.A., is to be the new Western Licensing Authority and chairman of the Western Traffic...
T HE Transport Tribunal has now given written reasons for upholding an appeal by Arthur T. Booth (Manchester) Ltd. against the...
Long-length Steel Rearing Today: The Northern LA. ' Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, has agreed to hold a special inquiry today (Friday) to...
cLEARING goods through Customs and carrying out documentation does not amount to the subjection of the goods to a process, the...
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T HE series of steel traffic applications supported by Colvilles Ltd. (see The Commercial Motor, last week) was continued at...
A 24-VEHICLE Contract A to A licence transfer application appears in this week's West Midland "A and D". Clanwest Transport...
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ALBION-CARMICHAEL FIRE CHIEF ON SPECIAL CHIEFTAIN R ECENTLY developed in conjunction with Carmichael am! Sons (Worcester)...
THE third symposium in the " Advances Automobile Engineering" series is being held on July 8 and 9 by the Advanced School of...
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T HREE years after starting work on the project, Mr. C. E. Page, on engineer who has been connected with transport all his...
1.o.T. Luncheon: Prof. C. D. Buchanan. professor of transport, University of London (Imperial College) and president, Town...
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ATLANTEAN REPEAT FOR LIVERPOOL: Liverpool Corporation Passenger Transport committee recommends acceptance of the tender from...
Arc Welding Hints—Cast Iron P ROBABLY the most unwelcome metal the welder is faced with is cast iron. Whether pre-heated or...
nUR prize-winner this week is Mr. John Bowker, of Cheadle, Cheshire. His idea concerns vehicles with air brakes; he says that...
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and Publications_ Removable Publicity Boards B OARDS for mounting on the top of vans to carry advertising or company names are...
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ROM PERKINS By John F. Moony A.M.I.R.T.E. W HATE VER may be the disadvantages of the steam engine as a means of propulsion,...
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QHORTLY before the paper announcing this Perkins develop ment was read, I tested two vehicles equipped with prototype DDE power...
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IN my travels I meet quite a few transport people from other countries, and have from time to time been impressed by the wide...
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EYE VIEW By The Hawk "I've never noticed that pedestrians need much separating from motorists!" • • Buses or Minis The...
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p RUDENTLY most road operators laid their plans in anticipation of a June election and the possibility of a Labour government....
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S. BUCKLEY, ASSOC. INST. T. GIVES ADVICE ON TRANSPORT PROBLEMS I N recent years, control of transport has tended to imply more...
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Dunlop Rubber Prosper THOSE investors who bought DUNLOP RUBBER 1 (Ordinary Stock ahead of the announcement of the results must...