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'Generous' TS

1st December 1978
Page 5
Page 5, 1st December 1978 — 'Generous' TS
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

THE BRITISH Roads Federation has criticised what it describes as "apparent Government generosity" in the 1979/80 Transport Supplementary Grant. It agrees that county transport spending will rise for the first time since the Transport Policies and Programmes began in 1974, but says that much of this will have to be funded by the counties themselves.

This is because the threshold for payment of l'SG has risen from £11.30 to £11,90 per head of population. and the councils will need to meet the extra 60p per head of population from their own resources.

BRF says: "The Government has succeeded in disguising this feature of TSG settlement by quoting the threshold level of spending on the wrong price basis.

"This gave the impression that the counties would have to meet less of their transport's spending from resources than is in fact the case.