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Despite a constant flow of complaints from the travelling public — which, expressed in percentage terms, is very low — the...
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LOW between transport isters of the Nine members he EEC council of transministers ended with an *a 10 per cent permit quota...
HE GOVERNMENT is to art thinking soon about hat should be done when the ?vern Bridge reaches its aximunn capacity. Mr William...
A NEW nine-point plan for hauliers in the Hull area has been put forward by the Transport and General Workers Union — and parts...
THE BRITISH Roads Federation has criticised what it describes as "apparent Government generosity" in the 1979/80 Transport...
SCOTTISH lorry drivers have turned down another five per cent wage offer from the Road Haulage Association, and union pressure...
GERMAN proposals that the EEC's committee of permanent representatives should report on traffic bottlenecks in the community by...
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TRANSPORT minister William Rodgers has effectively blocked a move by the EEC to increase vehicle lengths to 15.5 metres and to...
DIRECTED study cour have been shown again tc the best method of Certific of Professional Compete study, says the Freight Tra...
COMMERCIAL vehicle interests have reacted to the Governments petrol tax plans with general scepticism, and the Road Haulage...
COMMUNITY driving licences will not be made available for either lorry or bus drivers — but the question of licences for both...
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D Haulage Association national man John Silbermann has launched tnpaign against the Government's s Commission report on the...
DESTRUCTIVE are the effects of d's strike that the new model prommes have been disrupted for years !ad, Sir Terence Beckett,...
TWO Fruehauf Corporation directors have lost their appeals against United States tax evasion convictions and have resigned. A...
It was inevitable ... MPs are so jealous of their rights and privileges, so insistent that they should be told first of any...
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AR OF premature death ove a haulier to falsify his i's driving licence and cericate of professional corntence applications....
lE WINDSOR cordon would cost hauliers a total of around 110,000 a year, according to TRRL's report on the Berkshire county...
r WAS enough to drive you to despair that the Environment )epartment supported the route of the Okehampton by-pass irough the...
IN THE twelve months ending September 30 last, 1,499 lorry drivers were prosecuted by Transport Department officers for...
Britain's biggest pipe load ONE hundred and thirty feet of unbendable pipeline were one of the longest loads ever to be...
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SHORT HAULS Larger not heavier IF LORRIES were allowed to carry larger weights, their maximum size would not necessarily...
AN EPILEPTIC lorry driver with no licence had his second accident in 16 months when his lorry mounted a pavement and struck a...
NEW TRAFFIC management schemes took effect last week in readiness for next year's Tower Bridge lorry ban in London. Main...
PLANS to assemble Japane! Hino lorries on Merseysid have hit a setback, bt Dublin-based J. Harr (Assemblers) has not given u...
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OMMERCIAL vehicle proiction in Britain was 23 per !nt lower in October than for ctober 1977, according to gures published by...
3RITAIN is to adopt European ules on the Competence of orry drivers and some bus irivers. Transport Secretary William Rodgers...
THE NUMBER of fatal industr ial accidents notified to the Health and Safety executive in he second quarter of this year has...
AN ASHBURTON haulage company's bid to overturn a E1,320 unfair dismissal award to a driver who refused to take out a lorry was...
IT COULD cost the balance of payments about £200m a year to reduce the amount of lead in petrol to the same level as that in...
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Silent power from Berliet AT THE NEC Renault announced the Berliet TR 305 for the UK market. While at the Lyons factory...
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COMPARATIVE demonstration between several current mmercial vehicles and the Foden/TRRL quiet vehicle at tRL last week showed...
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Computer controls dial-a-ride system ALTHOUGH interest in diala-bus systems is waning in Britain due to the non-viability of...
CORAS Iompair Eireani new inter-urban single-de bus has been kept out of si vice because of trade uni. opposition to its assemb...
TRANSPORT Under Secretary John Horam has announced that £320m (at November 1 1978 prices) will be available to local...
Like the bus, the coach is based on the Bill frontengined chassis. Among its features are Sundym windows and a "ray-band"...
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lew decker orders 3NDON Transport is about to buy over 900 new generation )uble-deckers with next to no experience of the...
OUR of Tayside's troubled Daimler Fleetline single-deckers are eing rebodied at a cost of some £60,000. The eight-year old...
CENTRAL SMT and Greater Glasgow PTE have ordered a further 30 Leyland Nationals. Central is getting 20 11.3m models instead of...
DELIVERY delays have hit Plymouth City Transport and have forced it to hire seven double-deckers from Thamesdown District...
LEYLAND Vehicles has so far sold over 20 B21 singledeckers — the separate underframe version of the Leyland National for...
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MAY I make same observations on the letter "Why auction these buses" (CM, October 27)? The technicalities of vehicle disposal...
(CM,' November 17) that Jerry Parker of South Yorkshire ODA .complained about lack of places and courses to teach the skills...
Ike gua I was disgusted and disappointed by CM's report on the BAOD conference. Although it is accurate, it is jumping the...
In CM, November 17, 197E you report that "Owner-driver must have an internationE . Operator's licence if they war to pick up...
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WHEN THE opportunity to test drive the first righthand-drive articulated bus to arrive in Britain came up earlier this year. I...
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Our first road test for 1978 s over the Midlands test route :h a Fiat Asco Clubman 685 -seater based on Fiat's 0M55 chassis...
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HE BATTLE of the double-deckers is now well and truly 'rider way, and so far there are no signs of the older buses' market...
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;COTTISH operators scored in his year's psv Livery Cornpetition—two out of the three :ome from north of the Border. Winner was...
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"Lock it or lose it" blared a recent campaign by the Metropolitan Police to ensure that private motorists made sure that their...
A Fiat van supplied to Mansion Shipping is described by the makers as having "an almost fun-sized bed." This is something...
THE days of romance must surely be dead. Not long ago young men were being tattooed with pierced hearts and protestations of...
"Determination of heat flow and heat production from 100-metre boreholes in Dartmoor is one of the projects to which the...
It is difficult to remember that only 12 years ago a Seddon 1 3:Four lorry with Perkins 6.354 engine could be bought for...
The transport arrangements for the Motor Show were in a sense the fulfilment of the Socialist dream of complete co-ordination...
Even if Mike Brearley does not retain the Ashes, he and his team may return from Australia with orders for Perkins engines and...
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ALTHOUGH the diesel-engined heavy lorry is by far the most efficient user of its energy source, even here the efficiency is not...
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WELL-SIMULATED HORROR from the anti-road lobby has greeted the unsurprising revelation that civil servants in the Department of...
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r HE ANATOMY of trade issociations has interested me for many years. What makes some successful and others less so? Why do some...
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-IOW SECURE are your prenises and vehicles? You cantot hope to prevent petty 3ilfering, and few firms do )ther than turn a...
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Feature by Alan Millar Pictures by Dick Ross READERS could be forgiven for thinking that the bus industry is losing faith in...