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20th November 1964
Page 33
Page 33, 20th November 1964 — Obituary
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WJE regret to record the deaths of Mr. VV H. Akroyd, Mr. Tom Gray and Mr. E. Lumb. • Mr. Akroyd, who was executive director of Oldham and Son Ltd., the Denton. Manchester, firm of battery, minolighting and electrical equipment manufacturers, died earlier this month. Aged 62, he had been connected with the commercial vehicle manufacturing industries for more than 30 years.

Mr. Gray, who was transport manager of Edinburgh Corporation transport department when he retired in July 1964 of this year, died at his home in the city at the age of 65. He joined the company in 1919 and became assistant to the transport superintendent in 1926. Following various other appointments Mr. Gray became transport manager in May, 1963. He had a great interest in the welfare facilities in the department and founded the welfare association, which has a membership of some 3,500. For 15 years Mr. Gray was treasurer of the Scottish section of the Institute of Transport, and for 25 years he was secretary of the Scottish Road Passenger Transport Association. During the last war Mr. Gray formed a department Home Guard and became a major in the unit. He was a keen gardener and do-ityourself enthusiast and leaves a widow and three children.

Mr. Limb, formerly a partner in the haulage firm of Applyard and Lumb, at Conisbrouzh. Yorks, has died at the age of 63.