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TUST because the Ministry of Transport has ended its series of two day " blitz " spot checks is no reason for assuming that...
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T HE Transport Salaried Staffs Association is to ask the Minister of Transport to halt the reorganization of the South-Eastern...
QW1FT reaction took place in road transport circles following the inclusion in last t.-0 1 week's autumn Budget of an increase...
A PPROVAL in principle has been given by Glasgow Corporation's planning committee to the erection of a 34--acre mechanized...
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T HE Traders Road Transport Association is strongly resisting proposals for loading and unloading restrictions in the streets...
not always available at the time when the haulier who is asked to carry them gives advance notification to the police. This was...
A NUMBER of useful security devices Pl• were demonstrated by Auto Securities Ltd. on premises in Aldersgate, London, E.C.1, on...
W ELL over 4+m. vehicles used the Dartford-Purfleet Tunnel under the Thames in its first year of operation, which was completed...
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P RODUCTION line workshop methods developed by a small garage proprietor in Wrexham, Denbighshire, have enabled him to...
S O many transport firms are allowing their drivers to take their vans and lorries home and leaving them parked overnight on...
1DIECAUSE of the danger of vehicles sliding on to an adjoining railway line, heavy tankers and lorries are now banned from...
road 1 k– , accident casualties, the Swiss road haulage association (TAG) is recommending its members to supply their drivers...
r "t overweight lorries being allowed to continue their journeys immediately after spot checks, they should first be unloaded...
been amalgamated and both now operate to and from Preston. Making this announcement, Coast Lines Ltd. say their associated...
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U RBAN traffic and the problem of deliveries will be the subject of a talk by Mr. R. E. G. Brown, secretary, London and Home...
A ROAD haulier who said that one of his vehicles was found to be defective during a maintenance blitz" in the Exeter area in...
powder scattered from unlabelled drums that burst when a lorry overturned, the Urban District Councils Association has written...
THOSE in the transport industry had 1 to be prepared for change on a big scale, said Mr. Herbert Knox, manager of B.R.S. South...
Q RDERS have been coming in steadily for the Carrimore Mark IV car transporter semi-trailer which made its first appearance at...
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T HE Shadow Transport Minister, Mr. Enoch Powell, has, as predicted, taken over the chairmanship of the Conservative back-bench...
C ONCERN about the effect of the extra fuel tax imposed by Mr. Callaghan was expressed by several Tories last week during the...
dipped headlights campaign is growing among Midland Red bus drivers. Already a petition protesting against the use of dipped...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT THE Minister of Transport, Mr. T. Fraser, is to take up the campaign against unsafe...
T HE first of the Labour Government's legislative measures, the Travel Concessions Bill, is now well on its way to the Statute...
is continuing the local inquiries into rural bus services which the Conservative Government started. "I hope they will give...
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T HE le g islation extending travel concessions seems destined to be known as the Short Act—not just because of its brevity,...
T HE Transport Minister said last week that he proposed to g ive effect to the recommendations of the Wilson Committee on...
at the Home Office has not, so far, led to any chan g e in the official attitude towards the week-end and overni g ht parkin g...
minimum for transportin g children to •school did not meet with a very enthusiastic Government response in the Commons last...
the East Kent Road Car Co. Ltd., has been appointed traffic mana g er of the Yorkshire Traction Co. Ltd. in succession to Mr....
WJE re g ret to record the deaths of Mr. VV H. Akroyd, Mr. Tom Gray and Mr. E. Lumb. • Mr. Akroyd, who wa s executive director...
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D ESPITE an objection from British Railways, the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners hive granted an application by Yorkshire...
A 65-VEHICLE Contract A to A rA tanker switch was granted to Regent Transport Ltd., of Barking, by the Metropolitan Licensing...
O N Monday the Metropolitan deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. C. J. Macdonald, granted an application by Mealing Motors Ltd., of...
THE Transport Tribunal, at a specially 1 speeded-up hearing on Monday, dismissed appeals by A. T. Booth (Manchester) Ltd.,...
IN order to establish a need for the i addition of a vehicle to an A licence it was not necessary for the applicant to prove...
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T HE Transport Tribunal, sittin g in London last week, reserved jud g ment in an appeal by British Railways Board a g ainst a...
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A PERUSAL of the licensing pages of recent issues of The Commercial Motor" reveals the welcome fact that Licensing Authorities...
TO my knowledge, at least three I Licensing Authorities, as a matter of general practice, grant licence variations for shorter...
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LONDO LONDON busmen, still up in arms over proposed winter timetables which were due to come into force on Wednesday, only...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT B us operators were due to meet in London yesterday (Thursday) to hammer out a practicable...
A T a meeting in Leeds on Monday of the Passenger Vehicle Operators Association a recommendation by Mr. J. T. Steel, of...
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ago I reported my arrival in London 28 minutes late on the first day of the new London Transport Green Line coach . ,serVice...
A SINGLE authority laying down 1-1 common principles which all authorities_were obliged to adopt was suggested by Mr. W. M....
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Viking Express to King's Cross: Viking Motors (Burton) Ltd. has applied for a new express service between Burton-upon-Trent and...
been appointed, Mr. Dravers continued, and whilst, unfortunately, Mr. Fraser could not be present at the dinner, he would like...
From Our Industrial Correspondent MPLOYERS and union leaders of 1 ---d 70,000 municipal busmen failed to make any progress...
THE Greyhound Corporation of Chicago, U.S.A. is taking control if the Dutch passenger transport concern Vavo. of Schoonhaven,...
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By H. B. Cottee R OAD transport associations and the unions are likely to be approached shortly after Christmas by Ministry of...
A N invitation is being extended to the International Road Transport Union to hold its 1966 biennial congress in the United...
THE Ministry of Aviation's first permanent mechanical transport depot at London (Heathrow) Airport was recently opened by Sir...
T HE first of a series of standards which, when completed, will form a complete glossary of terms for every aspect of materials...
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Ir MST moves towards the dismember' ment of the Ulster Transport Authority have come this week with the U,T.A. confirmation...
Scottish Show : It has now been confirmed that the dates for next year's Scottish Motor Show at Kelvin Hall will' be November...
guide to the vehicle weight and size changes permitted under the Construction and Use (Amendment No. 2) Regulations. published...
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and Publications Fixed Capacity Piston Pumps N OW available from Industrial Hydraulics Ltd. is the Bucher range of...
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systems is to be made available by Park Bros. Ltd. at the end of this month: This prevents pedestrians and motorists being...
introduced this year by F. W. Berk and Co. Ltd., has just completed seven months' trial at the Stevenage New Town site of J....
A LL too often during a 'hurried head gasket change, a cylinder-head stud will twist off level with the block face and the...
T HIS week's prizewinner is Mr. J. A. Stevens, of Heighington, Lincs. lie says that he has had considerable trouble with the...
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Issue EVER in the history ofroad transport can there have been so many brickbats thrown at the operating industry as there...
ago, under the heading How to Avoid a G.V.9 ", we gave details of the numerical results of the roadside " blitz checks on...
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By The Hawk Parts Complex . With the motor transport industry as highly geared as it is today the need to get spare parts in...
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By P. BLAND, B.Sc. Assistant Development Engineer, Manchester Corporation W HEN considering possible economies in the...
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IN the criticisms by operators of the latest increase in the I fuel tax less use was made than usual of some of the familiar...
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I N all industries wages are a major factor in both staff relations and profitability. Because of the special features inherent...
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Useful Roller Bodies I WAS interested in the roll-on/roll-off body which • appeared in The Commercial Motor on November 13....