Q How does one apply for a carrier licence to remove household effect: A Entry into the road transport industry is n
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at all a simple matter. It is necessary for prospective operator to prove to the Licensir Authority in his area that there is need for ti service which it is intended to provide and at to give some indication that he will t operating economically. In making such application it can be anticipated that objectic will be made by existing furniture remov contractors. For this reason it is advisable th the application for a licence should be careful prepared by a solicitor. While it is not the prirr objective of the licensing system to discourac intending operators, new applicants for suc licences, as in this case, should be under n illusion as to the long, sometimes ruggE road which lies ahead of them.
Further information, including an offici free pamphlet G5/7 explaining the procedui of licence application, can be obtained from if applicant's local licensing authority the addre: of which in this enquirer's case would be: Th Clerk to the Licensing Authority, Yorkshir Traffic Area.