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W ERE it not for the colossal waste of time and money over the years in the negotiations, there might seem a touch of irony in...
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THEN 2m. tons of slurry came tumbling down the hillside at Aberfan to engulf the lel and adjacent houses, rescuers on the of...
as Freightliner battle moves north by lain Sherriff, MITA A TOTAL of no fewer than 87 objections has been lodged by road...
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A CONTRACT signed between Schweppes and English Electric Leo Marconi will provide for the complete routeing of the 35-vehicle...
EFORE introducing the panel of experts at a meeting on Monday in Shrewsbury of the West Midland maintenance advisory committee...
From a special correspondent THE five-week-old strike of car delivery dril which is crippling the movement of new from the...
has approved the following Customs Offi for TIR carnet purposes: Chartres, Cogn Agen, Caudebec-en-Caux, and Nevers. Ho are...
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;GER SAVING FROM DAY-BY-DAY ROUTE PLANNING By S. Buckley, Assoc Inst T distribution was undergoing a revoution it was...
A NEW BRS general haulage depot was opened on Wednesday by Mr. R. R. Spink, provost of Arbroath. The new depot, on the Elliott...
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By John Darker ANEW depot for Atlas Express was 1 — k officially opened last week by Mr. John Else, West Midland Licensing...
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■ IE thing was quite clear from the White Paper on transport, said TRTA president J. Delicate at the annual dinner of the area...
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From a Special Correspondent H AVING failed to agree on a Community rates system for road, rail and inland waterways despite...
told an Edinburgh area meeting this week that there were now 70 operators with 600 vehicles in the London maintenance scheme....
R EASONS why the Government has decided that no case has yet been made for a new major liner terminal at Portbury (Bristol) or...
legislation next year 'LEGISLATION to permit introduction of subsidies for public transport will be considered next year, Mrs....
THE Ministry of Transport is to stari second national survey of road goods tr port in June 1967. It will follow basically same...
Answers were given in the House Commons on Wednesday on the follcon subjects: Concessionary fares The Association of Local...
THE new food regulations for delivery vein were excessively expensive and virtually practicable, Lord Nugent of Guildford sait...
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COACHBUILDER at the Marine Works of Scottish Omnibuses Ltd. has sugted that several factors should be investied in an effort to...
EDINBURGH TRANSPORT MANAGER LOOKS AHEAD D ESPITE passenger decline the demand for road public transport is tremendous, said Mr....
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UURTHER modifications to the specifi cation of the striking rear-engined double-deckers now associated with Nottingham City...
B RITAIN'S bus operators, including] don Transport, on Tuesday launch campaign called "Travellers' Joy?" to b home to public...
T HE November 4 issue of COMMERCIAL MOTOR Will be the annual Passenger Vehicles Number, much bigger than a normal issue and...
STOCKTON - ON - TEES Corporation has de cided to oppose any proposal that Tees-side's municipal bus services should be formed...
PASTERN NATIONAL has erected a large illuminated sign over its coach station entrance at 250 Pentonville Road, King's Cross, so...
H OPES for a speedy end to the st involving about 500 busmen emplc by East Yorkshire Motor Services of 1 (COMMERCIAL MOTOR,...
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HE sale of goodwill was useless without licences, Mr. Richard Yorke told the nsport Tribunal in London last week at appeal...
GLAMORGAN company was given a stern warning by the South Wales Licensing iority in Cardiff on Tuesday. Mostyn ors (Port Talbot)...
THE Scottish LA, Mr. A. B. Birnie. has re served his decision on an application by Tartan Arrow Service Ltd. (operating centre,...
THERE was a unique situation at the South -a ' Eastern traffic area court on Tuesday when the LA, Maj.-Gen. A. F. J. Elmslie,...
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favours French ha her F RENCH cheeses can be brought all the Way from Normandy to London in the same vehicle as the result of...
A STAFFORDSHIRE haulier, Mr. S. Cope, managing director of S. Cope (Transport) Ltd., of Hartshill, Stoke - onTrent, told a...
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HE demands of the customer were important enough to justify the grant of an A licence read of a B licence. This was the...
N application by Mr. James B. Semple, of 1 Craigie Way, Ayr, for a public service hide licence was refused by the Scottish...
A HAULAGE contractor in Bristol on Wednesday questioned whether a hearing was for his A licence application—or a criminal...
CUSTOMERS do not like buying new cars which have been driven 100 miles. said Mr. David Starrett, assistant manager of W. H....
Making a brief stop near a famous landmark the driver of this Norwegian van and trailer outfit used his camera to record his...
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F. W. Knight, sales director, and T. P. .egory, general manager of the agricultural rision of Taskers of Andover (1932) Ltd.,...
THE Transport Tribunal have upheld an appeal by THC against a grant by the Yorkshire deputy LA to Jebson Motors Ltd., of...
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T HE first of 12 Shell-Mex and BP articulated road tankers to be fitted with the Dunlop Maxaret braking system was handed over...
CIONVERSION kits for semi-trailers which will enable these units to meet the proposed braking efficiency requirements due to...
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7rnmer chief engineer pinpoints export snag RITISH vehicle design legislation should be comparable to that in other countries...
ALLIS-CHALMERS lift trucks were impressively demonstrated in London last week by Reddey Mechanical Handling Ltd., who have been...
FEW years back, the crash hat came into prominence, then the safety belt pegan to catch on (and still is doing so), ollowed by...
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and publications Mobile inflator D ESIGNED to plug into any convenient air point, a new J.A.R. Airporter mobile tyre inflator...
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G ERALD PRIESTNER is a plain-speaking Northerner who has come a long way since he began in transport with a ingle...
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kep-frame definition VE WERE interested to note the comments by the "Hawk" oncerning low-loading semi-trailers in your issue of...
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View BY THE HAWh Comfort, But . . . E chairman or the RHA, P. H. R. Turner, touched obliquely onthe question of rates in his...
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BY R. P. A. F. WILLIAMS, BA, MIMH former assistant general manager, producti , Harveys of Bristol Ltd. (since this article was...
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O NE of several distinctive features of the annual conference of the Road Haulage Association was the complete absence of...
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rtrol technicians discuss operators' problems with particular reference to oil litives and review some lubrication problems in...
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-Ep OA p transport is an industry in which the small operational .1 1 ‘ unit predominates; public haulage operators with fleets...
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A The Petroleum Spirit (Conveyance by Road) (Amendment) Regulations 1966 came into operation on September 28. The...
A The Institute of Personnel Management, 5 VVinsley Street, Oxford Circus, London W1, is the recognized professional body. It...
from road to rail but few hard facts to support the contention. Are any available? A It will be strongly argued by the...
not fitted with suitable buffer devices more often to minimize damage to tail boards and rear extremities of bodies when...
handling equipment on the market that, as a potential user, I find it hard to choose between what appear to be almost identical...
at all a simple matter. It is necessary for prospective operator to prove to the Licensir Authority in his area that there is...
Training Act and subsequent appoint ments of the various boards there seems t be a surfeit of organisations concerne with...
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FTER consulting with the Treasury the board of British Electric Traction has decided to reduce its previous interim dividend of...
"XAMPLES of last week's suggested classification of trans-1 —dport management courses which are best provided by local...