Coventry Contest So Relaxed !
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ATOTAL of 87 competitors at the Coventry eliminating contest on Sunday represented a reduction of some 30 per cent compared with last year, and combined with the simplified bay test and perfect weather, the unhurried programme offered a holiday atmosphere which was obviously appreciated by the relatively large number of onlookers, yet was too relaxed to arouse much enthusiasm despite the immaculate handling of an Austin lorry by Cpl. D. M. Readman, the national champion.
Cpl. Readman was the only competitor in Class S and in accordance with the decision of the organizers to award a prize to the most consistent driver in 1961, '62 and '63 contests, he was matched against Class D competitors to enable a fair evaluation of his performance to be made. His penalty points of 127 compared with a loss of 135 points by H. Raitt of the Ministry of Public Buildings and Works, Birmingham, the Class D winner at the wheel of a B.M.C., and later he drove a Class D Bedford to win the Coventry and District championship with a loss of 147 points, the runnerup G. Wakefield (who was first in Class A in a Morris) being penalized 201 points for a similar type of vehicle.
In a comment on severity variations in the tests, air. R. W. Brain, chairman of Coventry Road Accident Prevention Council, pointed out that the bay test had been simplified because of the many objections made by competitors in 1962 that it was unfair or impossible. Although the 1963 test catered for variations of skill, it was not sufficiently severe and this also applied, Cllr. Brain maintained, to Vie kerb-parking and width-judging tests. Recommendations would be submitted to the national organizers that the barrier distances in the kerb tests should be reduced to the equivalent vehicle length plus one-third and the pylons in the width-judging test should be placed to give an " internal " angle of 135% In his Class S run, Readman was obviously playing safe and the fact that two other competitors did better on points in the main class event may, therefore, have little significance. Driving an Austin for the Austin Motor Co., A. Hallifax won Class B with a loss of only s38 83 points and it is notable that his widthjudging penalty of 41 points was the lowest recorded. As has been stated in tntifiy competition . reports, this test inevitably takes too high a toll of skilled drivers; would it not be possible to devise a formula that gives the experienced driver the chance of completing the test with the loss of 0 to 10 points?
A number of other competitors completed the bay test with a loss of under 30 points, the best being B. Lynn of the Lockheed Co. (Morris) who scored 23 points and came second to Hallifax in Class B with a total of 303. Lynn lost 145 points in the width-judging test.
CLASS A—up to 16 ft. and front 20.5 cwL: I, C. Wakefield (Painton and Co. Ltd.), Morris, 1750 penalty points; 2, A. Alexander (G.P.O.), Morris. 181; 3, R. E. Kirk (Fisher and Ludlow Ltd.), Morris. 185.
CLASS B-16-I9 ft.: I, A. Hallifax (Austin Motor Co. Ltd.), Austin, 83: 2, B. Lynn (Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Co. Ltd.), Morris, 303; 3, J. Shaw (Stanton and Staveley Ltd.), Commer, 340, CLASS C-19-22 ft.: 1, C. Bird (Austin Motor Co. Ltd.), Austin. 131: 2. S. Smith (Humber Lid.), Comma, 155: 3, P. Parsons (Auchard Development Co. Ltd.). Bedford, 171.
CLASS D-22-25 R.: I. H. Raitt (Ministry of Public Buildings and Works, Birmingham), B.M.C. 135: 2. R. Williams (Fisher and Ludlow Ltd.), Morris, 139; 3, B. Davies (Austin Motor Co. Ltd.). Austin, 163.
CLASS El—over 25 ft., two aides: t. T. Clarke (Courtaulds Ltd.), A.E.C.. 142; 2, T. Bowles (Petrofina Ltd.), Leyland, 145; 3, P. Willetts (Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Co. Ltd.), Dodge, 167.
CLASS E2--over 25 ft. more than two odes: I. F. Charlton (Stanton and Staveley Ltd.), Atkinson, 195; 2, V. Townsend (Stanton and Stavetey Ltd.), Atkinson, 197; 3, K. Breden (Stanton and Staveley Ltd.), Atkinson, 245. CLASS Fl—ardeninted tractive units under 41 tons, lint or sided semi-trailer up to 30 ft.: 1, R. Hewitt (Fisher and Ludlow Ltd.), Morris. 122; 2, E. Naylor (Humber Ltd.), 'Commer, 148; 3, W. Warner (Humber Ltd.), Karrier, 151, CLASS F2—articelniell trutht units ender 4 tom, box or tanker semi-trailer up to 30 ft.: 1, J. Kenna (Austin Motor Co. Ltd.), Austin, 402; 2, 3, Coleman (Fisher and Ludlow Ltd.), Mortis, 406; (two entrants).
CLASS 0—articulated tractive units over 4 toms, fiat or sided sarl-traller up to 30 ft.: 0. Beesley (B.R.S.). Bristol, 268; 2, T. Hawkes (B.R.S.), Bristol. 293; 3, D. Hitelicor (B.R.S.), Bristol. 366, CLASS H—arficniated tractive units over 4 tom, box or tanker send-trailers: G. Russell (Petrofina Ltd.), Leyland. 346 (one entrant).
CLASS S—standard Army vehicles. 19-24 IL: Cpl.
D. M. Readman (BA.?. Gaydon), Austin, 127.
BEST C-LICENSED DRIVER: G. Wakefield (Painton and Co. Ltd.), Morris.
TEAM AWARD: Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Co. Ltd.
COVENTRY AND DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIP (In Bedford D Class Vehicles): 1. Cpl: D. M. Readman (RAP. Gaydon), 147; 2, G. Wakefield (Painton and Co. Ltd.). 201; 3. F. Charlton (Stanton and Staveley Ltd.). 230.• THE . MOST CONSISTENT DRIVER FOR THREE YEARS: Cpl. D. M. Readmin. •