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N.c.b. May Withdraw Facilities
T HE possibility that the National Coal Board might withdraw facilities for traders to move their coal by road to their own road depots was mentioned by Mr. Peter E. Brewis,......
More Stolen Vehicles Recovered
NAORE stolen vehicles in the Metro1 V 1 politan police area ar'e being recovered by the Road Haulage Association's Observer Corps. Mr.]. T. Brown, chairman of the R.H.A.......
Acting Within The Law
A LTHOUGH the prosecution con tended that the carriage of stone in a lorry was concerned with the business of a builder rather than that of a manufacturer or repairer of......
500,000 Tons In 26 Weeks
A LMOST m. tons of ballast are being transported in 26 weeks for the foundation works of the new Kingsnorth Power Station, near Gravesend, Kent, by the Pointer Group, of......
Abnormal Loads Committee I N View Of The Growing Concern
of industry regarding transport problems associated with heavy and abnormal loads of large engineering equipment, the heavy-engineering industries represented by several . of......
I.r.u. To Approach Governments
THE international Road Transport Union, meeting in Hamburg, has decided to make a new approach to European governments and government organizations urging a maximum total weight......
Barna.rd's Truck Drivers' Rally Ri E Truck Drivers'...
0. G. Barnard & Sons Ltd., Stowmarket, at Mendlesham airfield last Sunday, attracted 72 entries and proved a great success. There were six tests: the first on the Highway Code......