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31st May 1963
31st May 1963
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Page 1, 31st May 1963

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Getting the Rate

I T was suggested by one person at the Institute of Traffic AdminiIstration Conference on Saturday that the Road Haulage...

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E.E.C. Commission Makes Firm Proposals For Transport Policy

FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT A s exclusively forecast by The Commercial Motor on April 19. the E.E.C. Commission has made...

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C Licensee's Increased Use of Haulage

B Y establishing five new haulier depots in England and Northein Ireland, Polycell Products Ltd., Welwyn Garden City, has...

Advantages of the Small Man

P ROPOSING the toast of the National Tyre Distributors' Association at its annual dinner last week, Mr. D. 0. Good. chairman,...

R.H.A. Entertains Australians on World Tour A USTRALIAN hauliers and

bus 1-1, operators engaged on a world-wide study tour were entertained at the Road Haulage Association's head office last week....

Handling Criticized By Horticulturists T HE Horticultural Marketing Council, which has

been disbanded because of lack of support by the trade, fired a parting broadside at the careless handling of produce in its...

Leyland Trophy for National

A SILVER-PLATED model of an r -1 Albion Reiver tanker has been presented by the Leyland Motor Corporation to the National...

Haulier Sells Out S BROWN (Haulage Contractors), . short-distance hauliers, mineral

earth moving and demolition contractors, of Bishop Auckland. Co. Durham, has sold the whole of its share capital for £32,000...

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N.C.B. May Withdraw Facilities

T HE possibility that the National Coal Board might withdraw facilities for traders to move their coal by road to their own...

More Stolen Vehicles Recovered

NAORE stolen vehicles in the Metro1 V 1 politan police area ar'e being recovered by the Road Haulage Association's Observer...

Acting Within the Law

A LTHOUGH the prosecution con tended that the carriage of stone in a lorry was concerned with the business of a builder rather...

500,000 TONS IN 26 WEEKS

A LMOST m. tons of ballast are being transported in 26 weeks for the foundation works of the new Kingsnorth Power Station, near...

ABNORMAL LOADS COMMITTEE I N view of the growing concern

of industry regarding transport problems associated with heavy and abnormal loads of large engineering equipment, the...

I.R.U. to Approach Governments

THE international Road Transport Union, meeting in Hamburg, has decided to make a new approach to European governments and...

Barna.rd's Truck Drivers' Rally ri E Truck Drivers' Rally, organized by

0. G. Barnard & Sons Ltd., Stowmarket, at Mendlesham airfield last Sunday, attracted 72 entries and proved a great success....

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Mr. Galbraith Makes His Debut

FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT T HE changes which will follow when pedestrian-controlled vehicles are no longer treated...

Minister Talks About 'Misconception'

MOST of the protests voiced to him against the " totting up" of convictions for road offences leading to disqualificat:on were...

Traders to Discuss Road Repairs THE use of dipped headlights

in built' up areas, snow clearance and methods of expediting road repairs are among items which members of the Highways and...

First Pipeline Granted A BOUT a million tons of ch,alk which

would otherwise have been transported annually by road will now be carried in a water slurry through the first cross-country...

T. R.T.A. Appeal THE Traders' Road Transport Asso

ciation is renewing its appeal to commercial-vehicle drivers to leave a sufficient gap on open-road journeys to help car...

Continental-style I – I A NUMBER of new, pictorial-style

road signs are expected to be in use in Britain soon. Mr. Marples will announce in the next few weeks the details of a ES m....

No Joy on Fuel Tax T O relieve buses of Customs

duty on dery would cost about £31m. in a full year—and it would go much wider than that, said Mr. Reginald Maudling, Chancellor...

Seven Bills Held Up FINROTESTS were made in the

Commons last week when seven Private Member's Bills, including Mr. Edward Short's measure to widen travel concessions on...

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"Glasgow Express Needs Review"

" THE general impression left with the 1 Commissioners . . . was that too many vehicles were chasing too few passengers and...

10 Transporters For . Progressive T HE West Midland Licensing Authority, Mr.

J. Else, has granted an application by Progressive Deliveries Ltd., of Coventry, to vary a B licence by the addition of 10 car...

A-licence Refused

WHEN considering applications the IN need of the public and other haulage operators must be taken into account before those of...

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Some Questions Left Unanswered at Oxford

BY NORMAN H. TILSLEY A closer look at the Progressive Deliveries application C AR transporters have been in the news lately,...

More Extra Axle Trouble in the North

R ECENTLY I had an opportunity I% of speaking to Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, the Northern Licensing Authority, about his action at...

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Contract Switch Granted Without Customer Witnesses

A N application to vary an A licence by substituting a heavier vehicle and converting a contract-A vehicle to open A licence...

N. Wales Services Merged

rr WO express service 'licences, between Skipton and Llandtldno and Colne and Llandudno, were ismalgamated at Manchester last...

Consolidation Move I N order to consolidate the conditions on

the licences covering four vehicles of 12 tons and one trailer of 1 tons, Mr. J. Eckersley of Bolton applied for one B licence...

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Mr. G. S. Riddle has been appointed private secretary and

Mr. Victor Goodhew, M.P., Parliamentary private secretary to Mr. Thomas Galbraith, M.P., Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the...

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Smoking Ban

R DESPONDING to the almost unanimous opinion of local authorities in their operating area, Ribble Motor Services Ltd. and three...

Wilts and Dorset Take-over

A FTER 41 years of public service the r't Silver Star Motor Services Ltd., of Porton Down, Salisbury, Wilts, is to cease...

Shamrock Buys Charlie's

THE 26-coach business of Charlie's 1 Cars (Bournemouth) „Ltd. has been bought for a sum believed to be just over 06,000 by...

U.T.A. Trading Loss .

A TRADING loss of 006,736 for 1962 is reported by the Ulster Transport Authority in its fourteenth annual report. This was a...

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Scammell Announces Leasing Plan and T.I.R. Body

L EASING facilities for periods from _ three to ten years under plans arranged by Scammell Lorries Ltd. with the Equipment...

"People and Cities" Conference

' Minister of Transport will open

Pakistan Gives Mack 10-year Exclusive TH E joint venture of Mack

Trucks Inc. of America and the Government of Pakistan reported in The Commercial Motor of January 11, goes much further than...

New Australian Vehicle A LTHOUGH being manufactured

primarily for the Australian army, it is hoped to develop an overseas market for a new vehicle by the International Harvester...

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Renault Announces Low-load Bodies

D ELIVERED last week to The Cedo Tyre Co. Ltd., Chichester, a 250-cu.ft. all-metal alloy-bodied van is the first of a series of...

• Fleetline Assembly In Belfast Corporation. Transport 1 - 1 Department has

recommended the City Council to place a contract for the supply of 63 Daimler Fleetline doubledeckers with 77-seat bodywork by...

Holmes Tank Plant Sold T HE vehicle-tank manufacturing plant of Holmes-Alexander

Ltd., at Dumfries has been acquired by Thermotank Ltd., the Govan, Glasgow, firm of sheet-metal fabricators and...

One for All ?

T "principle of one union for one industry was support0 at the annual conference of the National Union of Vehicle Builders in...

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Production Down Exports Up

EE XPORTS of commercial vehicles from the United Kingdom during the first quarter of 1963 were 36,944, with an additional 1,882...

Designed for the Job A RANGE of goods chassis just announced

by the International Harvester Co. of America is designed to meet the needs of users connected with the building industry and...

Research Fellowship A RESEARCH fellowship, to be awarded annually, has been

endowed at the College of Aeronautics at Cranfield by the Worshipful Company of Coachmakers and Coach Harness Makers of London....

Municipal 0 pportunities B OURNEM OUTH CORPORATION Fire Brigade Committee is

to invite tenders for the supply of two 7-cwt. vans, two existing vans to be taken in partexchange; also a Merryweather...

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Now Three Hipope Loaders

A DDITIONS to the Hipope range of tailboard loaders made by H. C. Pope Ltd., 8 Elm Street, Northampton, result in there being...

Molybdenized Oils

P REMIUM grade and Supplement I lubricating oils containing colloidal molybdenum disulphide have been added to the range of...

For Upholstery

T wo new upholstery cleaners have been introduced by Holt Products Ltd., Vulcan Way, New Addington, Surrey. They are sold in...

Welding Rod

A NEW 0-125 in. diameter brazotcctic silicon-bronze flux-coated welding rod is now being marketed by the British Oxygen Co....

For Commercial Use

P -1 A NEW electrically operated fuel dispensing pump designed for commercial users has been introduced by Wayne Tank and Pump...

For the Portable

A NON-TELESCOPIC aerial with a Z --1 bracket for clipping on to a vehicle window is now marketed by Panorama Radio Co.. 73...

On Powerrniser

1 - 1 A BOOKLET has been produced by Austin Crompton Parkinson Electric Vehicles Ltd., Morrison Works, South Wigston,...

Battery Charger

A NEW range of traction battery richargers—named Slimline—has been introduced by Oldham and Son Ltd., Denton, Manchester. Two...

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• Bird's Eye View

M Y recent comments about queues at Woolwich Ferry have brought a nice tale from Charles Hartrey, who will be well remembered...

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A Century of Public Service I: ivate

ATLAS EXPRESS LTD. CELEBRATES ITS CENTENARY THIS YEAR y OU cannot exist . in business for. 100 years unless you have got that...

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Demountable Bodies Aid B.R. Parcels Distribution

QINCE January of this year, British Railways has employed three B.M.C. 3-ton prime movers in conjunction with six Abelson...

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BY ASHLEY TAYLOR, A.M.I.R.T.E., Assoc. Inst. T.

Gentle Tipper SMOOTHING the path of the seriously sick has now been carried a stage further by the Bristol; Coventry and...

Page 63

The British licensing system has recently shown signs of crumbling from within'

N OT much reliance can be placed on conjectures concerning the recommendations of the committee of inquiry into roadhaulage...

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Coventry Contest So Relaxed !

A TOTAL of 87 competitors at the Coventry eliminating contest on Sunday represented a reduction of some 30 per cent compared...

In the dark' at Manchester

'WITHOUT detracting in any way from 11' the honour due to C. Nelson (Montague Burton Ltd.), Leyland, who proved the overall...

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Not a hitch' at Glorious Ruislip

T F any organizers of a Lorry Driver of L the Year round deserved good weather, those at Ruislip certainly did. The organizing...

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Call for Lorry Drivers' Tickets

A MONG the most noteworthy of the trends of opinion revealed by the Institute of Traffic Administration's annual conference at...

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The Price of Maximum Availability

T HE increasing use of cars for business purposes has resulted in added responsibility for many transport managers of ancillary...