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C Licensee's Increased Use Of Haulage
B Y establishing five new haulier depots in England and Northein Ireland, Polycell Products Ltd., Welwyn Garden City, has greatly improved its vehicle service to carry more......
Advantages Of The Small Man
P ROPOSING the toast of the National Tyre Distributors' Association at its annual dinner last week, Mr. D. 0. Good. chairman, R.H.A., asked: "What is it that we, as hauliers,......
R.h.a. Entertains Australians On World Tour A Ustralian...
bus 1-1, operators engaged on a world-wide study tour were entertained at the Road Haulage Association's head office last week. They met Mr. G. K. Newman. secretary-general, and......
Handling Criticized By Horticulturists T He Horticultural...
been disbanded because of lack of support by the trade, fired a parting broadside at the careless handling of produce in its final report, which reached M.P.s last week.......
Leyland Trophy For National
A SILVER-PLATED model of an r -1 Albion Reiver tanker has been presented by the Leyland Motor Corporation to the National Benzoic Co. Ltd. as the top award in a new competition......
Haulier Sells Out S Brown (haulage Contractors), ....
earth moving and demolition contractors, of Bishop Auckland. Co. Durham, has sold the whole of its share capital for £32,000 cash payment to London and Northern Securities. The......