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Mr. Galbraith Makes His Debut
FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT T HE changes which will follow when pedestrian-controlled vehicles are no longer treated as motor vehicles were outlined in the Commons last......
Minister Talks About 'misconception'
MOST of the protests voiced to him against the " totting up" of convictions for road offences leading to disqualificat:on were based on misconception, said Mr. Ernest MarpIes,......
Traders To Discuss Road Repairs The Use Of Dipped Headlights
in built' up areas, snow clearance and methods of expediting road repairs are among items which members of the Highways and Traffic Committee of T.R.T.A. will consider at its......
First Pipeline Granted A Bout A Million Tons Of Ch,alk Which
would otherwise have been transported annually by road will now be carried in a water slurry through the first cross-country pipeline to be granted under the Pipelines Act,......
T. R.t.a. Appeal The Traders' Road Transport Asso
ciation is renewing its appeal to commercial-vehicle drivers to leave a sufficient gap on open-road journeys to help car drivers to overtake. In its road safety work the......
Continental-style I – I A Number Of New, Pictorial-style
road signs are expected to be in use in Britain soon. Mr. Marples will announce in the next few weeks the details of a ES m. scheme to bring our traffic directions and signposts......
No Joy On Fuel Tax T O Relieve Buses Of Customs
duty on dery would cost about £31m. in a full year—and it would go much wider than that, said Mr. Reginald Maudling, Chancellor of the Exchequer, in the Commons this week. He......
Seven Bills Held Up Finrotests Were Made In The
Commons last week when seven Private Member's Bills, including Mr. Edward Short's measure to widen travel concessions on public-service vehicles, had their progress halted by......