In the dark' at Manchester
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'WITHOUT detracting in any way from 11' the honour due to C. Nelson (Montague Burton Ltd.), Leyland, who proved the overall winner of the Manchester round of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition on Sunday, it must be observed that many of the competitors would have liked to know on the day just what marks they and their rivals had lost, section by section and in total.
Unlike other rounds, where the detailed markings of each class go up in public as soon as the results are calculated, the Manchester committee refuses to disclose any marks until after the distribution of awards. This means that no news whatever of markings is issued on the actual day. Even when the prizes are announced, no details of marks are given, so that a driver cannot check if he has been unfairly penalized and the opportunity for immediate protest, which can be utilized if necessary in other places, does not effectively exist. In fairness to entrants and spectators. proper publication of results should be universal throughout the country.
By this time Manchester, with its 140 competitors, should surely aspire to a printed programme instead of a duplicated list of competitors and efforts should be made to avoid displays of petty officiousness from which other centres are fortunately free. Since so far as the tests are concerned the Manchester round enjoys the use of the Lancashire counts; cricket ground, it is a pity that similar facilities cannot be accorded to interested visitors in respect of car parking.
Once again width judging was a prolific cause of penalties, the Ultimate whiner losing 95 points, out of his total of 172, from this cause. He dropped 37 on highway-code questions and the road circuit with its eight check points. WS index of performance was 72.25 per cent. Last penalty of the day was in Class A, where T. O'Toole (Manchester Corporation Baths Department), Austin, repeated his last year's class win with 116 points lost. L. R. Tucker (Bleachers' Association Ltd.), Karrier, took the award for the best diesel driver, also for best in Class F 1 and he led the victorious team, whose supporters were H. Haslam (Leyland), third in Class E 1 with 178, and M. J. Essex (Austin) from Class B, in which he was last year's winner,
The overall winner for 1962, H. I. Bramwell (Tate and Lyle Transport Ltd.), after doing well on highway code and road (total 23) made a masterly showing on the kerb test with 10 points lost. But he was over-generous on his width allowances, so losing 126; he also dropped 80 on the garaging test. His index of performance figure was given as 64-75 per cent. Manchester provides a special highway code and road prize, which this year went to F. Pankhurst (Tate and Lyle Transport Ltd.), Albion, who up to the start of the driving tests had dropped only seven points.
Entries, which were slightly fewer than last year, included drivers from as far .afield as Burnley, Liverpool, Chester and Preston. RESULTS OF RUISLIP COMPETITION
CLASS A-up to 16 ft. and from 20.5 cwt.: I,. E. Butler (Express Dairy Co, (London) Ltd.). Morris, 132; 2. W. Lake (Joseph Lucas Ltd.). Commer. 211; 3, A. P. Marshall (G.P.O.). Morris. 239.
CLASS 11-16-19 ft.: 1. F. Robinson (Schweppes Ltd.). Bedford, 78; 2, D. A. Spading (S.P.D. Ltd.). Commer, 114.5; 3, F. Jones (Murphy Chemicals Ltd.). Commer. 180-5.
CLASS C-19-22 ft.: 1. E. R. Tyson (Shell-Met and BP Ltd.). Dennis, 113; 2, B. Bitch (County Laboratories Ltd.), Bedford. 114; 3, D. Pittock (Schweppes Ltd.), Bedford, 117.
CLASS D-2245 ft.: 1, P. Lirlop (Schweppes Ltd.). Bedford, 108; 2. A. Webb (Connaught Food Products Ltd.). Bedford. 117; 3, J. Healey (Joseph Lucas Ltd.). Austin, 118.
CLASS El-over 25 ft, two axles: 1. C. F. Johnson (Hoover Ltd.). Albion, 204; 2, H. Panting (C.A.V. Ltd.), Leyland, 311; 3. 1. M. Clark (Hoover Ltd.), Albion, 331.
CLASS E2-over 25 ft, more duo Iwo axles: 1. D. Brown (Reechams Foods Ltd.), Atkinson. 86: 2, J. E. Midson (Guinness Transport Ltd.). A.E.C., 138; 3, D. Whitlock (Joseph Lucas Ltd.), Atkinson. 142.
CLASS Ft-articulated tractive omits under 4 tons. flat or sided send-balers op to 30 ft.: I. I. Hurter (Park Booting Co. Ltd.). Thames, 130-5; 2. T. Cripps (Schweppes Ltd.), Thames. 184; 3. K. Clutterbuck (Rockware Glass Ltd.), Leyland, 185. CLASS F2-artleulated tractive oohs under 4 tom, box or tanker somi-traller up to 30 ft: 1, C. Fey (Shell-Mex and up Ltd,), Bedford. 120; 2, 1. Maker (Express Dairy Co. (London) Ltd.). Commer, 146; 3. G. Bartlett (Harvey, Bradfield and Toyer Ltd.), Bedford, 162.
CLASS G-articalated tractive units over 4 tons. flat or sided semi-trailer op to 30 ft.: 1, A. Batson (George Cohen 601) Group Ltd.), Scammell. 316: 2.
a It. Brown (Hallett, Silhermann Ltd.), Leyland. 332. Only two entrants.
CLASS H-articulated tractive units over 4 tons. box or husker send-trailers: I, 5, D. Waters (Hoover Commer. 189; 2. E. Hoare (Guinness TransPOT"( Ltd.). Scammell, 194; 3, E. I, Stout (Guinness Transport Ltd.), Scammell, 195.
CLASS 5-standard Army vehicles, 19-24 0.: 1. S.A.C. Western (R.A.F. North Weald). Bedford. 655.
OVERALL WINNER: F. Robinson (Schweppes Lad.).
TEAM AWARD. Schweppes Ltd. (F. Robinson. P. Lipop and F. Cripps).
BEST BEDFORD DRIVER: F. Robinson (Schweppes Ltd.).
BEST B.M.C. DRIVER: 1. Healey (Joseph Lucas Ltd.).
BEST THAMES DRIVER: I. Hurley (Park Bottling Co. Ltd.).