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1.1 IS EASY to forget, with all the "hype" over Christmas, that this supposedly happy time of year poses extra problems and heartache for those living on very limited incomes. Take two current cases On BEN's welfare file:
Janet is a single parent of 23 with two beautiful children aged one and three. Before her marriage broke up, she worked as an accounts clerk in a garage but has now given this up to look after her young children.
Because ofjanet's very low income, the family faced a very bleak Christmas until BEN heard about the situation. The Fund's welfare committee authorised extra fuel grants, a clothing grant for the two children and a special Christmas grant.
At 51, Harry will never work as a panel hearer again. He has been lighting a battle against cancer, enduring surgery
and all the post-operative treatment with its unpleasant side effects.
At home, he and his wife, a part-time auxiliary nurse, maintain a brave and cheerfUl front despite debts which have accrued through Harry's long illness. After careful consideration, BEN's welfare committee decided to settle the outstanding water rate bill and authorised two "winter warmth" grants in anticipation of the cold weather ahead.
These are but two of the hundreds of cases BEN dealt with this Christmas.
If would like to help BEN by sending a donation, just send a cheque marked "BEN Christmas Appeal" to the address below.
Paul Finn MO`IN & Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund
Lynwood Sunninghill Ascot Berkshire