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Rates Fall Behind
HAULIERS' costs rose by 5.2 per cent in 1985, but rates increased on average by only two per cent, two separate surveys report. Only higher productivity has saved hauliers from......
New Skip Rules In Force
OPERATORS who use builders' skips must now make sure that when they are deposited on the highway they have red and yellow reflective and fluorescent markings on each end.......
Idv Trunker Saves Weight
A PAYLOAD of over 25.5 tonnes, space for 26 loaded metric pallets and an unusual cross-braced load-restraint system are three features of a prototype 38-tonne highvolume......
Nbc Feasibility Study Set Up
FOLLOWING last month's Government invitation to the National Bus Company's management to buy their companies in preparation for deregulation, a feasibility study on the issue......
Outside Firms Win London Bus Tenders
LONDON Regional Trar port has awarded only a qui ter of the latest route tend( to its own bus subsidiary. While London Buses, t LRT bus subsidiary, won of the first round of......
York Prepares For Tipper Storm
YORK IRAILERS is reac to revolutionise the tipp market with a still sect trailer which it has bet testing over the past thr months. Although it is not plannt to be shown in......