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Sc Will Still Consider Making A Ntribution Provided That...
nditions are satisfied. It must be uenibered that these are local training nits: if employers are members of an iustrial training organisation, such as Li Road Transport......
Msc Can Help Towards The Cost Of Obtaining Professional...
— though many colleges provide this service free — by means or consultancy grants. Consultancy grants will only be considered Against the following criteria: • the company musr......
Ait Scheme The Aim Of The Access To Information Technology
scheme is to promote a significant increase in the level of awareness of' intOrmation technology in the adult work population by increasing the availability and accessibility of......
Body Shopwindows
. 11 IL VEHICLE Builders itnd Repairers Association (VBPA) is organising two Bodyshop exhibitons in die north of England in 1986. Bodyshop Scotland will take place at the Royal......