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:eep On :unning
AX/0 makers of anti-waxing additives ir diesel fuel have introduced small acks to keep in or by individual chides to prevent them being nmobilised by freezing conditions. The......
That'll Do Nicely
THE DEPARTMENT of Trade (Weights and Measures) has given approval to an automatic fuel dispensing system which accepts credit cards. This means that the Sentinel by Ambitron can......
Faults Lit Up
FAULTS in vehicles electrical circuits can be pinpointed immediately if a new design of fuse made by Safeguard of Weybridge, Surrey, has been fitted. As soon as either the I -......
Diesel Heater, Water Trap
A DIESEL fuel heater which traps water and gives improved fuel consumption has been launched by Parte°. The unit heats fuel to 50°C, controlled by thermostat. As well as......
Shades For Commercials
SUN visors in four colours and more than 10 different shapes to fit most commercial vehicle models have been introduced by Hatcher Components. The visors are made by Vepro of......