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Speed Limits: Limited Value
FIFTY YEARS ago, the urban speed limit was introduced and to it was ascribed a fall in the accident rate. Twenty years ago, following multiple accidents in fog, the infamous......
Speed Limiters
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN'S maxim about the loss of a horse-shoe nail resulting in the demise of the rider is apposite to your report (CM. December 7) on speed limiters. In this case......
Cracked Screen
HAVING recently read the article "Pu: over — vehicles safety check" (CM, Jul 22), which I found very interesting, I would like to point out that Bill Brock made a mistake on......
Easy To Forget
1 . 1 IS EASY to forget, with all the "hype" over Christmas, that this supposedly happy time of year poses extra problems and heartache for those living on very limited incomes.......
Rare Guys
MAY I. doubtless along with many others, point out the week's deliberate mistake in CM December 14 — or was it the Hunt the Foden competition? Thi very interesting photograph of......