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vfiEMBERSH1P of the Institute .of NI Road Transport Engineers was rowing steadily and currently stood at 1.690 members, said Mr. J. A. Fletcher, :ecretary of the Institute, addressing the tnnual general meeting of the Man:hester and District centre on. Monday. ['his was an increase of 100 over the .ame time last year and maintained the .ate of growth over the past two years. Referring to technical education, Mr. =letcher said that a "break through" ifter many years of discussion was mminent. The Institute Council had igreed on close co-operation with another ;indred institute to set joint examination xtpers and the programme visualized he Orst examination in November next
■ ear.
Until the examination was operative, he matter of a Royal Charter must etnain in abeyance, he said. The status if a Charter was one that was attractive, ,nd clearly this was a long-term aim. On the subject of Ministry liaison, Mr. 7letcher said that the arrangement whereiy draft M.o.T. regulations were subanted to the Institute for comment, irgartized by Mr. Gresham Cooke (the hen Institute president) last year, was irogressing. "It would be invaluable to et wider comment on the draft regulaions, but of necessity, in the time avails ble it is the technical committee to ellorn we turn for an Institute view ", he aid. It was hoped to enlist specialist rouns of members so that the various ypes of regulations were posted to the pecialist group for comment.
The Industrial Training Act was offerag the opportunity' for closer contact tith the training department of the 4inistry of Labour. The Institutes pprenticeship questionnaire was very mil supported and the collated results vere. being exchanged and studied to see there the Institute could be of assistance.
• There was much support for dividing le Metropolitan centre (with more than 00 members) into a North London and outh London centre, said Mr. Fletcher, nd the formation of centre committees, teeing places and plans for Centre :ctures and visits were envisaged.