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Laycock Engineering Ltd.
Victoria Works, S M h ili es' e l ffi h n u d s ,tl . T AYCOCK Optiline equipment enables wheel and steering alignment to be checked optically, corrected, and rechecked in a......
I. W—pickavant And Co. Ltd.
Bow Street, Birmingham, 1. THIS concern makes a track alignment gauge suitable for use on commercials with a track of up to 6 ft. 8 in. It is for one-man operation and can be......
Pneumatic Components Ltd.
Eyre Street, Sheffield, 1. T HE P.C.L. wheel alignment gauge made by this company will, it is claimed, measure accurately wheel alignment of all vehicles. There are no separate......
4. Wheel-balancing
BY G. PEARSON Machines APPLIED POWER INDUSTRIES INC. (U.K.) LTD. 717 Tudor Estate, Abbey Road, Park Royal, London, N.W.10. .flLAIMED to be the only static and ''dynamic......
Booth Patents Ltd.
Much Park Street, Coventry. A CCURACY, speed and cheapness -L - 1 achieved through simplicity are claimed by Booth Patents Ltd. for its Easobal range of garage and workshop......