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Underwriter Can Appeal On Load Insurance
Q N Monday, the House of Lords Appeal Committee gave a Lloyd's underwriter leave to appeal to the House from a decision of the Court of Appeal concerning insurance cover for the......
B.r.s. Safe Driving
UR. G. W. CHOATE, recently retired yr from B.R.S. (Contracts) Ltd, fictoria Park branch, was presented With . gold bar for 43 years' safe driving, at . ceremony at B.R.S. S.E.......
No Tax Relief For All P.s.v.
T HE Minister of Transport is consider' ing the case that has been made by the bus industry for the relief from the extra 6d. fuel tax to be extended to certain categories of......
Government Plans For Roads And Ports
NAEMBERS were told in the Commons ILI this week by the Minister of TrariSport that he wanted to ensure the cOuntry's major ports were adequately linked with 'induStrial centres.......
Fewer Freight Facilities
pETWEEN October 1 last year and February 8, there were 578 railway stations and depots which had had freight facilities withdrawn, reported Mr. Stephen Swingler, Parliamentary......
Figures For Winter Roadside Checks
Q OADSIDE vehicle cheeks have been I continuing on a small scale throughout the winter, and as a result 3,220 prohibition notices-278 with immediate effect—had been issued over......
Import Relaxation A N Applicant For An Excise Licence For A
vehicle brought temporarily into Great Britain will no longer have to satisfy the Licensing Authority that he has no principal place of business or permanent residence in this......
Concern About Motorway Layby.
T HE Minister of Transport told M.P.s last week that he was aware of the concern about the state of many laybys on the A2 and other trunk roads in the summer months. He pointed......
Safety On Rot
T HE erection of two nine-mile lengths of double-steel-rail safety fence on the M I was almost completed, reported Lord Lindgren, Patfamentary Secretary to the Ministry , of......