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Suspension Reduced On Appeal .
THE a ppeal of Tyneside Plant and Spares Ltd. a g ai n st A .144l a y suspen:ion imposed . , by the N o rther n Licensin g 4uthoritY . ,_ heard by the Tribunal on IV,ednesday,......
Railways Lose 'clarification' Appeal
T HE T r ansport Tribunal was told on Tuesday that the West Midland Lice n sing . Authority hoped someone would appeal a g ainst his decision to g et the issue clarified ". This......
Arthur T. Booth W Ins Tipper Appeal
'N London on Wednesday, Arthur T. • Booth (Manchester) Ltd. successfully ppealed against the refusal by the lorthern Licensin g Authority. Mr. . A. T. Hanlon. to g rant a......
Wrong Person Signed Form
A N appeal by Mainland Market Deliveries Ltd. against a decision of the Northern L.A. was formally dismissed by the Transport Tribunal on Wednesday, after Mr. R. M. Yorke, for......
Many Licensing Charges At Liverpool
INFRINGEMENT of licence conditions led to the issue of 368 summonses which Were heard at Liverpool on Thursday and Friday of last week. Mr. J. Edward Jones prosecuted on -......