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2. Welding Equipment
BY A. J. P. WILDING, A.M.I.MECH.E., 11/1.1.R.T.E. A.R.O. MACHINERY CO. LTD. 190 Casteluau, London, S.W.13. O F particular interest to operators in the equipment manufactured by......
Applied Power Industries Inc. (u.k.) Ltd.
717 Tudor Estate, Abbey Road, Park Royal, London, N.W.10. O NLY one spot welder is included in the range of equipment offered by this concern. This is the Blackhawk Spot-Right,......
Cytringan Electric Welder Co. Cambridge Works, Kettering,...
T HE range of arc-welding plant offered by this company covers the requirements of all types of vehicle workshop. The smallest is the Miner, which is suitable for an a.c. mains......
British Industrial Gases Ltd. 700 Great Cambridge Rd.,...
L'QUIPMENT manufactured by this com pany of interest to vehicle • welders consists of blowpipe& and regulators. The concern also markets cylinder trolleys, adapters and other......
The British Oxygen Co. Ltd.
Hammersmith House, London, W.6. A /s1YONE whose work involves welding El or cutting metal will know what the initials B.O.C. stand for, and to detail fully the wide range of......