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Securing Economy and Efficiency. Useful Tools. Improving Van Appearance.
THE average van user or driver will, if he takes an interest in the of his vehicle, often find that the mechanical efficiency and general appearimce of his machine can be considerably improved by fitting supplementary accessories. There are many hiunlreds of accessories specially marketed for the benefit of Ford van users, and, in most cases, they possess features which aim at securingadditional efficiency.
The chief 'points which should be taken into amount when considering the purchase of accessories and fittings are their value as permanent attachments for securing additional efficiency; their value when carried for use in emergency (some of the most necessary accessories and fittings fall under this beading); their value for improving appearance (thie is a most essenkial factor with the light class of achine, and, more particularly, delivery vans used by retail establishments for effecting house-tohouse calls); and their value for improving the comfort of the driver (this being an important point which seldom receives the attention it deserves).
It is quite impossible in the space at our disposal to deal adequately with any particular range of accessories and tools, and it must he understood that practi cally all the leading factors of repute are in a position to supply these lines from stock.
Those users who experience difficulty in engine starting will be interested in the Lightning paraffin vaporizer marketed by Rejax, Ltd., 3 and 4, Percy
Street, London, W. This device, intended for Ford engines, consists of a heater plug or barrel introduced into the inlet manifold at the bifurcation, where the fuel mixture separates on its way to each pair of cylinders. Another Rejax accessory worthy of attention is the Pla-safe hand brake.
Those users who_ think they can improve on the Ford springing should consider the use of Flaataford coil-spring shock absorbers as a means to that end. They are marketed by Brown Brothers, Ltd:, Great Eaate.rn Street, London, EC., and work in conjunction with the existing leaf springs.
The EI.T: tyre hook, sold in two sizes by the Automobile Engineering Co., Ltd., 2a, 13essborough Place, Bessborongli Street, London, S.W., is -awl with the ordinary tym lever for removing pneumatic tyre covers. It sells at 3s. 6d. post free.
Herbert Terry and Sons, Ltd., Redditch, the spring specialists, soil Avecta tool rack and utensil holder clips which should help users to take care of their loose tools in the garage. Titec are sold at 3s. per dozen.
One of the most useful accessories sold by A. J. Dew and Co., 21-25, En4le11 Street, London, W.C., is the Endell trellis-pattern jack. Its lifting capacity is 10 cwt., and its price 21s. Another valuable line is the Dome rim contractor for Ford vans on pneumatic tyres. It selves the problem of removing and replacing any type of pneumatic tyre on a. split rim.
Punctures mean loss of time and invariably money, so that the Eros detachable wheels sold by Morris Russell and On., Ltd., 68, Great Eastern Street, London, EC., should appeal to Ford van users. Two minutes suffice for a deflated tyre and wheal to he removed and replaced by a spare by the use of these detachable wheels.
Those users who can afford an engine starter will appreciate the mention of the name of Relax, Ltd., of Willesden Junction, London, N.W. This company market, a comprehensive range of electric starting, lighting and ignition accessories as well as tools, either loose or in kits.
One of the, most useful lines sold by 'Messrs. Quiekways, 30, City Road, Lon. don, E.G., is the Mystic windshield °loth. By rubbing the cloth over a windscreen on which rain is failing it ensures a clear vision. One cloth, which costs 5s., is good for 12 months' nse. The Parsonstcompression sparking plug, also marketed by this concern, should specially interest Ford users.
Inispecs horns for light vans can be obtained in two sizes from G. Davenport and Co., Ltd., 99-105, CIerkenwell Read, London, E.G. These horns are well finished and strongly constructed to stand hard service.
Economy should ho the watchword of van users who can avoid losses occasioned by spilling petrol if they use the safety filler manufactured by Pettett's Safety Filler Co., West Pier, Brighton.
The range of accessories and fittings marketed by the East London Rubber Co. is far tee comprehensive to particularize, but suffice to say that all classics of goods can be obtained by light van users from 29-33, Great Eastern Street, London, E.C.
The ignition system for Fords introduced by the Runbaken Magneto Co., Ltd., Cheetwood Road, Manchester, possesses many attractive features.
The Dum-bel spanner, made by J. W. Pickavant and do., Ltd., is unique. It has ten machined faces for standard sizes of Ford nuts. Each tool sells at 3s.
The Spiral Tube and Components Co., 47, Caledonian Road, London, N., make a polished aluminium radiator, which improves the appearance of the Ford ton chassis.
For the user who wishes to keep a check on running costs the O.S. mileage recorder made by Ripaults, 1, King a Road, London, N.W., possessesimany striking features.
Headlamps which improve appearance emanate froin the works of AllenLiversidge, 106, Victoria Street, London, S.W.
Dependence rear-view mirrors made by J. and R. Oldfield, Ltd., enable the driver to obtain a clearview of overtaking traffic.
Speedometers are an essential fitting, and accessories of this type which give accurate readings are produced by the Cooper-Stewart Engineering Co., Ltd., 11, Broad Street, London, W.C.
Electrical equipment of all kinds suitable for use on light vans can be obtained from C. A. Vandervell and Co., Ltd., Acton, London, W.