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I T has been evident for some time that therehave been more extensive purchases of goods vehicles of a small carrying capacity...
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N OT only is there a much larger field from which to attract customers, when the motorvan is available to transport g ods and...
T HERE are many temptations to purchase cheap, second-hand vehicles which may encourage those who are not at present using...
T HE QUESTION of the parking of motor vehicles in all places where congestion of traffic does, or is e - xpected to, occur is,...
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It has been definitely deckled that there will be no commercial motor vehicle show,this year. It is felt that an improvement in...
The Scottish Commercial Motor Users Association has for some considerable time been pressing for the improvement of several...
We briefly announced :in our mat issue the death, after a short illness, of Major R. H. Giblet, O.B.E. He is ref erred to in a...
The Automobile Association has approached all interested highway authorities, urging that the time is opportune for joint...
A committee of the East Riding County Council has made application to the Ministry of Transport for an Order prohibiting or...
Sir J. A. F. Aspinall, formerly general manager of the Lancashire and Yorkehire Railway, touched upon a wide range of topics in...
Mr. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith, C.B.E., the president of the Commercial Motor Users Association, attended at the brewery of Thomas...
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Nottinghamshire was amon g st the first of the kei g lieli counties toadopt a cornprehethsive system of road improvements, and...
ri g ht to say whether or not they re q uire the services of the man onthe trailer. Another difficulty concerns the fixity of...
Motor owners in Liverpool district are very dissatisfied with the conditions which prevail Olr th e labour side. oi the road...
A meetin g of Manchester motor coach thenees,. representin g a total capital. of close upon 2030,000, was held a few day s a g...
Durham county surveyor reports that traffic conditions have entirely chan g ed, and no reasonable comparison of pre-war and...
make the followin g by-law :—" No person shall pack any box, hamper, cask, bale or skip the falling of which mi g ht occasthn...
At/ a meetin g of the Chester City Council the town clerk reported that Mr. Robert Roberts. had appealed to the Ministry of...
the bake r y and the retail shops the fleet of Henry Whittle, Ltd., wholesale bakers, of Littleborou g h, cover a. very lar g e...
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In _connection with the action by the Glasgow Corporation against Barclay, Curie and Co. Ltd, as a test case to decide the...
The Merthyr Corporation has informed a deputation of local residents that attended to protest against the running of Sunday...
The general secretary of the C.M.U.A., 50, Pall Mall, London, S.W. 1, has been informed by the chief constable of...
The Merth,yr Corporation has discussed the question of running a municipal omnibus service, and has postponed decision on the...
At a meeting of the Hull Watch Committee a deputation of motorbus proprietoes in the city attended to protest againsit the...
At a meeting of the Warrington Corporation the surveyor reported damage to footpaths by Messrs. Waring Bros. and Messrs. J. H....
Annual tenders received by the Dtu-ham County Council show a decrease of 16 per cent, on last year's prices for mechanical...
In Constantinople there has been a marked increase in regular motor transport services, according to a Department of Overseas...
A completely equipped by-products coke-oven has been put into operation at Newcastle (Australia) by the Broken Hill Co....
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Bath City Council has decided to purchase a. 1-ton Ford truck for the eketricity department. Manchester Corporation proposes...
Very little information has come to hand driving the pest year in connection with the roads in Asia Minor owing to the state of...
The motor vehicle is the means by which a free library movement, can be ietroduced to villages far removed from the towns, and...
At a meeting of the Bournemouth Corporation Licensing Gonunittee coasideeation was given to a letter from the Bournemouth arid...
At a recent meeting, of the Highways Committee of the Hertfordshire County Council it was reported that. the question of the...
The noise created by motor coach parties entering Southend will, it. is hoped, be lessened by the new corporation by-law now...
At a meeting of the Bournemouth Corporation Licensing Committee the town clerk called attention to the resolution of the...
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A PART from actual chassis there is a number of adaptations NI which chassis, and particularly thoso for the Ford van and ton...
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A Promising Field of Enterprise, which however, Presents Certain Peculiar Difficulties, and Necessitates a Large Mileage at a...
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How a Prominent Wholesale Grocery Firm Procures its Transport by Hiring Vans, Each to Cover 13,000 Miles per Annum. O NE OF...
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M OST bodybuilders who pay special attention to the requirements of light van users devote their activities chiefly to the...
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Official Information. Aided by Maps, Which Should Prove of Inestimable Value to Coach Proprietors. I T IS particularly...
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Catering for the Lower Classes, a Fishmonger Serves His Wares from a Motorvan. A N innovation in commercial motors which...
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A Bird's-eye View of the Road Transport Organization of a Liverpool Retail Grocer. W HETHER the light van has opened up new...
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A BOUT two years ago we described a process developed by Thomas Try and Son, Ltd., 37, Great Pulteney Street, London, W.1, for...
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Why the Small Capacity Vehicle is Able to Show Such a Good Return on the Capital Outlay. Its Suitability for Express Jobs. N...
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A VAN BODY. T HE CHOICE of a light van body is of secondary importance only to that of the chassis ; in fact, in certain...
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Particularly Addressed to Those Who are Replacing Horsed Vehicles by Motors, or Contemplating So Doing. O N SEVERAL occasions...
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The Varying Activities of a Fleet of Ford Vans Used by the Coventry and District Co-operative Society. L AST October the...
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T HE possibilities of the light electric vau for tradesmen's loeal delivery work have by no means been thoroughly explored....
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. I S DISCUSSING recently the pros pects of the . motor coach...
Three Associated Subjects That are Being Very Much Discussed by Coach Owners. W HEN motor coach owners have spent their fury...
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A MOST important addition to the existing motor service facilities in the Gateshead and North 'Durham districts has just been...
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Providing Passengers With Four-course Lunches on Board the Vehicles. SS CENES of wonderful motor coach activity were seen at...
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The Value of the Convertible Vehicle. General Features . of Bodywork Construction. N EW USES are continually being found for...
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T HE GRAPE NUTS CO., LTD., whose Instant Post= substitute for coffee, Post Tamales and other cereal foods are so well known,...
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POINTERS. By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford "). E VERY modern Ford has a battery on it, to provide current...
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Constantly Travelling Before the Eyes of the Public, a Van May Profitably be Considered an Important Advertising Medium....
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A Number of Prominent Trading Concerns• Using Vehicles of Outstanding Advertising Value Give Their Views on an Important...
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0 NE of the advantages to the automobile engineer of highly specialized research that has been so much developed in recent...
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Securing Economy and Efficiency. Useful Tools. Improving Van Appearance. T HE average van user or driver will, if he takes an...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble. C ONTRIBUTIONS are invited for this page...
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A Few Workshop Hints and Tips• as Contributed by Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. A BAD workman blames his tools. Certainly no...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. S. G. Winquist is of opinion that previous hydraulic transmissions have been deficient...