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• by Guy Sheppard and Lucia Cockroft Road transport has one of the worst records across industry for dodgy directors, latest...
• Speculation has been growing this week over the future of Transport Secretary Stephen Byers after mounting criticism....
its driver training programme in the first Fleet Safety Forum Awards for Excellence, organised by road safety group Brake.
specialists, CH Jones as a nonexecutive director. Brown's transport and logistics experience includes periods at Exel, NFC and...
Skills and Education for a UK Skills Council tailor-made to provide a stronger and more influential voice to the logistics...
by Jim Hay, the owner of John Adams and Eye plc, have been called to a creditors meeting at liquidators HLB Kidsons' Glasgow...
Commission, has warned that the number of live exports will continue to fall due to the impact of the foot and mouth outbreak....
Motorists travelling to and from the South-West faced long delays last Tuesday after a fatal accident between a crane and a...
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by Guy Sluggard b prospects in haulage have lien sharply since this time last iar, according to a survey for cruitment...
• A driver was held at Portsmouth harbour for more than 24 hours last week as Customs 84 Excise officials searched his entire...
i• The Socialist Truck Drivers (STD) group has weighed into the fight against German haulage giant Willi Betz accusing it of...
II The Farmers For Action lobby group is threatening to blockade Tesco distribution centres across the country in a dispute...
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by Mike Gordon Chilled food distributor 3663 has angered suppliers and a trade association by withdrawing access to the toilets...
A reduction in the number of night-time urban truck bans is being examined by a government commission fallowing huge falls in...
II The government plans to clamp down on vehicle ringing, where criminals take the registration details from a damaged or...
• OPEC, the organisation representing oil producing countries, has agreed to cut production which will fuel price hikes, say...
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by Miles Brignall auliers across Europe are tryg to establish the wherebouts of the owner of orsham, Wilts-based...
We can't help observing with a wry smile the number of organisations stepping up to claim the credit for getting impounding...
We like to hear the stories readers think we should be following. CM is happy to preserve the anonymity of readers who provide...
Commercial vehicle registrations rose by 2.6% in December 2001 contributing to the best annual performance since 1989,...
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• by Guy Sheppard All Channel Tunnel rail-freight traffic could end within three months because of the continuing disruption...
• Industrial action at Exel Tradeteam was avoided at the last minute as the company agreed to meet shop stewards from the...
fuel tax hike will cut jams • The Freight Transport Association has reacted angrily to news that former BBC director general...
• Further cutbacks to road maintenance schemes could be on the cards if the aggregates tax proposed by the government goes...
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by Dominic Perry re police forces are appealing r witnesses to a pair of otorway smashes over the iristmas period which left...
The European Commission is threatening to allow the extension of Austria's controversial Ecopoint regulations which restrict...
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Impounding is finally here, and most in the industry have welcomed it. But what will it really mean for the average road...
Roger King, chief executive, RHA: "We welcome this measure, for which we have been campaigning for many years. Cowboy operators...
An authorised person, normally a Traffic Commissioner, will serve a notice to the vehicle owner concerned. If found to be...
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• by Toby Clark Daf warns that operators are still getting stranded by battery problems in cold weather—giving its roadside...
• Faced with a need for specialist car transportation, most operators would opt for a vehicle based on a conventional goods...
• The transport of chocolate biscuits is a serious business, and to ensure its products arrive in peak condition all year...
• M King Transport is replacing its 22-strong fleet of 3.5-tonne panel vans with Iveco Daily City Trucks because the new...
• Watford's UK Lift Co has devised an alternative method of loading bay trailer restraint to the under-run bar hook system. The...
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reefers on its loot as the company continues o replace ageing stock. The semis, on a three-year ease from TIP, are fitted with...
II Aberdeen City Council has taken a triaxle drawbar trailer from King Trailers to transport its road rollers and paving...
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• The first manufacturer to break into the mass market with an electrically powered urban delivery vehicle will steal a huge...
WI In return for the muchreduced rental on the Think car during the trial period, the companies and organisations involved in...
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CMs long-term test of Ford's Courier high-cube van has ended. As its second annual tax disc was being stuck to the screen, the...
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• Just one year after a management buyout rescued it from the debris of the collapsed old United Trailers group (the United...
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A Liverpool haulier said to have allowed his licence to be ised as a front for Hawthorne Trading Transport Services— a company...
Glasgow based Timber Transport has been granted authority to oper ate lb vehicles and 25 trailers from an operating centre at...
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Granting Kane Haulage authority to use an operating centre at Porters Wood, St Albans for 25 vehicles and five trailers,...
A Lincolnshire company failed to attend a public inquiry called after denials that it had been dissolved. Market Rasen-based...
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please contact Backfire, Commercial Motor, Rm 11203, Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey sm2 5A5, or fax 020 8652...
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PRICE AS TESTED: £28,215 (ex-VAT). Includes 06,860 for standard chassis; £310 for six-speed gearbox; 1150 for central locking;...
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The lector is assembled by Iveco in Turin, but this isn't the whole story: the engine actually has Its roots in Cummins'...
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Okay then...tlie 564,000 question: how was the fuel consumption? In a word, outstanding: the Cargo returned a superb ./9.2rupg...
it's economical, but that it's easy to drive economically. The engine is as flexible as those torque figures indicate, pulling...
Chances are you will have driven a Cargo at one time or another; well, this is pretty much like all the rest. The day cab is...
Well, it looks like Nee° has done enough t convince existing Cargo operators to bu some more: the Tector-powered Euromodel...
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manufacturer and the opportunity comes to win the whole contract, how do you go about it? David Taylor meets a Barnsley...
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Haulage rates often tend to be dictated by the customer, but some hauliers take control of the purse strings. Lucia Cockcroft...
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S imon Chapman, chief economist for the FTA, stresses that although cost-plus "is good news for hauliers", there are barriers...
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an average profit margin in haulage to be in the region of 5%—not a patch on Geoff Cecil's 27%. Fuller says he would like to...
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• I am managing director of a limited company and we operate several vehicles. The police recently stopped one of them and...
• I have heard that some new rules on lift axles come Into operation in January 2002. Can you tell me what they are? • The...
• I have been told that if my lorry is found to be overloaded I might get off if I was on my way to or from a weighbridge. Is...
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by a afisport Tribunal. Ilho sits in such a tribunal? How do they work? And, most important, vhat authority to do they have?...
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Recent moves in the transport industry have highlighted the minefield that is TUPE, a set of regulations designed to protect...
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raining makes the difference between a investment in skills training pays huge dividends for those companies who appreciate and...