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IF OTHER socialist councils follow the example of Oxford and compile a blacklist of hauliers who have crossed miners' picket...
THE ROAD Haulage Association's annual conference is Britain's most important forum for discussing the industry, and there will...
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TWO OF THE best known companies in the haulage and distribution business have been subject of takeovers in the past week. SPD,...
A HIGH COURT judge has ordered an end to the blacking by Cardiff dockers of lorries owned by Gloucestershire haulage firms,...
A LIST of hundreds of hauliers from all over the country that have allegedly crossed miners' poicket lines has been compiled by...
THIRTY-EIGHT tonnes is the optimum weight for lorries in Britain, Transport Minister Lynda Chalker said this week. She told CM...
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THE FUTURE licensing of waste disposal vehicles of disagreement between the Freight Transport the Road Haulage Association....
ENVIRONMENTAL controls on haulage operating centres should be extended to Northern Ireland, according to the Northern Ireland...
THE CENTRAL Electricity Generating Board is to review its long term contract with British Rail's Railfreight for carrying coal...
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A NEW motorway link has been proposed as part of a Government promoted study of how to regenerate Bathgate, West Lothian after...
COMMERCIAL MOTOR'S sponsorship of the Lorry Driver of the Year competition, which began in 1963, will be terminated in March...
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HAULIERS are paying more than their fair share for the environment, Road Haulage Association national chairman Bert Neely told...
THE TRANSPORT industry should adopt a more positive line on new legislation, Leyland Trucks product developmen1 director Peter...
A NATIONAL saving of £130m could be made without a drop in standards if local authorities managed their fleets more...
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THE CORPORATE sales operation formed recently by Britannia Movers International has appointed Ted Philp as its managing...
TED HUDSON, who joined Murphy Bros of Leicester in the days of solid-tyred lorries without power steering or indicators, has...
AS PART of a plan to double its size and raise turnover to £16m a year, Freight Computer Services has restructured its...
has been appointed managing director of UML, Port Sunlight, in succession to JAMES DUCKWORTH, who takes up a London-based...
FOLLOWING the entry of Toyota GB into the UK coach market, the company has appointed Stephen Prime as coach sales manager. He...
SPECIALIST chilled foods distributor OKL Distribution has recruited Bob Edgley as operations director at its King's Lynn...
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JUDGMENT is still awaited on another case which challenges the accuracy of a dynamic axle weighbridge. Evidence of tests...
THE FREIGHT Transport Association will hold 13 two-day transport law courses at regional centres throughout the country next...
A CUMBRIAN haulage boss has been ordered to pay more than £300 after a court heard how he was using a lorry with nearly £6,000...
SNCF's 1,800 passenger vehicle ferry, the 9,069-tonne Champs Elysees — the largest ferry ever to be introduced on crossChannel...
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TRUCKFEST, the drivers' and users' competition, will be held at Peterborough's East of England Showground on Easter Sunday and...
TRAILERENT, the trailer rental and contract hire company, has opened three more branches bringing its national total to 15. The...
SMITH and Robinson, the tanker haulage specialist in the Hargreaves Transport group, experience is organising 20 Road Transport...
THE ROAD Haulage Association is to sponsor a commercial vehicle exhibition in England next September. It is being organised by...
CONTAINERBASE is extending its Basebond Customs facility to its inland clearance depot at Urmston, Manchester. The service,...
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TRANS Europe Sales and Service's new TEP3000 auxiliary oil injection unit is designed to prevent damage to turbocharging main...
PETTER Refrigeration of Hamble, Hampshire, has launched a new trailer fridge unit designated the 6500. The 6.5kW(8.7bhp)...
Major Parts cylinder heads are available for Perkins 4.236 four-cylinder and 6.3543 and 6.3542 six-cylinder engines, as well as...
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electric mail vehicles with the purchase of 80 electric panel vans worth £800,000. The order will be divided equally between...
A REPLACEMENT kit including wheel bearings, seals and gaskets for Continental commercial vehicles has been produced by...
They are Dodge G16 chassis fitted with a Turner air-lift single-wheel trailing-axle by Vehicle Systems Engineering of Barking,...
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REGISTRATION of bus services under deregulation could be only a temporary need, Transport Secretary Nicholas Ridley said last...
DESPITE supporting the introduction of tendering for local bus services that require subsidy, the Bus and Coach Council has...
BUS AND Coach Training, an off-shoot of the Bus and Coach Council, was inaugurated by Geoffrey Holland, director of the...
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LONDON Regional Transport's bus operating business, London Buses, has reached an agreement with the Transport and General...
OVERDRIVE is to be a standard feature on all new Ford Transit Custom minibuses. The electrically operated overdrive has a ratio...
The Queen's speech this week said that legislation will be introduced this session to abolish road service licensing throughout...
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A SERIES of alleged offences arising out of the operation of "free" courtesy services to Manchester International Airport...
DELEGATES and speakers at a major London conference on transport for the disabled expressed real fear that an increase in the...
LONDON Regional Transport's Chiswick workshop is reckoned to be saving about 1,200 man hours and £6,000 a year by using CR...
LOTHIAN'S bus services would be drastically affected by the Government plans for deregulation, said Terry Weir, convener of the...
on school contract routes has been given a limited volume of customer support, according to one of the contractors. Kian...
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RESULTS for UK international hauliers seem impressive. They have reported increases above the EEC average in international...
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BEDFORD and Leyland are leaning over sideways to sell more lorries and USG are leaning over sideways to sell more diff locks!...
MAY I draw your attention to page 18 of Volume 160, No 4086, of Commercial Motor for the week ending September 15, 1984. I...
I HAVE recently received from T. J. E. Price, a founder member and vice-president of Tenovus, the most generous gift of £100...
WITH REFERENCE to the Manpower Moves item headed "Council counsel" (CM October 27) where reference was made to Jim Shirley, we...
I WOULD like to draw your attention to the article printed on page 157 of Commercial Motor October 20, regarding the HYVA...
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WHICH way distribution? Nobody, of course, can answer that question with absolute certainty, but if you can present well...
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Corporations as big and strong as ICI have the whip hand when controlling their suppliers, as Jack Semple found out when he...
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If you've seen the TV commercial for the Roadrunner you'll know Leyland have proved that their new 7.5 tonne truck can take a...
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Although 8x4 rigids are better able to penetrate deep into forest terrain, most hauliers who operate in the Kielder Forest are...
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Its gleaming good looks and sylvan setting might have earned it a place in Foden's calendar, but Carl Gibson's S106 6x4 has a...
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He started to assemble lorries from abandoned wartime American chassis and powered them with German tank engines to form the...
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CONCEPTS Scot-Lift range of mobile column lifts and Chassijet 2000 automatic programmable chassis-washing system are suited for...
NORBAR Torque Tools has introduced a range of professional torque wrenches (three models) covering 10 to 300 Nm (8 to...
KARCHER (UK) can solve various cleaning problems. It can provide high-pressure cleaning, vacuuming, sprayextraction valeting,...
MINIATURE versions of IATA and IMCO hazardous goods labels have been produced by R. A. Bowdidge, the Essex safety company. The...
VDO INSTRUMENTS is offering a 140mm Speedometer to interchange with a Kienzle tachograph head, both physically and...
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Helped by the resurgence of the tanker market Ryland Tankers appears to have turned the corner. Bryan Jarvis visited its new...
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THE MORE I learn of the National Freight Consortium, the more, it seems to me to be a model for British industry, not excluding...
TRANSPORT for an Improved City condemns the construction of major new roads in the belief that people should be compelled to...
THE Road Haulage Association, which also demands a public inquiry, expects something like the start of a Formula I grand prix...
REDBOURN, a much-buffeted one-horse Hertfordshire village on what used to be A5 and is now A5183, was promoted to four-horse...
PUBLIC inquiries into road airport and nuclear power station projects are steadily diminishing in credibility. There is a...
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Bedford is continuing its tradition as a major supplier of army vehicles with the TM6-6. Tim Blakemore took one of the new 6x6...
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A single document now contains all the laws and new terms include 'position lamps' rather than side lights THE Road Vehicle...
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National revolution THE LEYLAND NATIONAL has become one of the most familiar buses on Britain's roads over the last 14 years,...
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I would like to nominate the driver of our school minibus who one morning in January, 1984, as he was coming through Molesey,...
On January 25 this year, a delivery driver, having finished a delivery to the London Tara Hotel, was grabbed by two men as he...
JUDGING began last Friday for the 1984 Mark Vane Memorial Award. Eight nominations have been submitted to the panel and the...
Mr W was driving his bus on service l through the grounds of $t Crispin Hospital, Northarripton, when he saw smoke rising from...
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On Wednesday, December 7, 1983, Mr C. was operating the 17.45 X1 bus service from Swansea Bus Station to Cardiff when a Mark 1...
This nominee is employed by a bus and coach company which hires out coaches and drivers to private parties. On Friday, March...
Lorry driver Mr M dived into icy water to rescue four people trapped in an overturned car. A witness said that the car seemed...