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W ITH well scrubbed rubber gloved hands, the Thesiger Committee have dissected the subject of the control of road passenger...
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F INANCE is one of the main problems of the denationalization of long-distance road haulage. The Road Haulage Disposal Board...
Decorative Panelling for Coaches A WELL - KNOWN interior decorative panelling for motor vehicles is Alhambrinal, which was...
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£50m. from Road Fund in Next Three Years: Better Roads Between Wales and Midlands D ISAPPOINTMENT has been caused by the...
BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT. THE Minister said that the Govern' ment had reviewed the whole question of the need for...
" 'THE meagre sum allotted, when compared with the £360m. paid in taxation annually by motor users, will cause great...
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Pi A LIST of over 320 urgent highwayimprovement requirements has been submitted to all Members of Parliament, including the...
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MR. KAYE DON, managing director of U.S. Concessionaires, Ltd., is leaving England next week to visit Latil agents in Singapore,...
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A LTHOUGH it is fitted with standard seating, a heater and folding doors at the rear, a double-deck body which Park .Royal...
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D ESIGNED primarily for oil engines of medium size, a new starter has been produced by C.A.V., Ltd., London, W.3. It differs...
A 19-YEAR-OLD A.E.C. Regal 31-seat singleti decker has been converted to one-man operation by the Gosport and Fareham Omnibus...
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" ITis our intention in the near future to extend the range of goods vehicles we manufacture to include others of heavier...
Warrington Corporation are recommended to buy a refuse collector. Sunderland Corporation have approved the purchase of a fire...
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1 - 1 A NEW demister, known as the S.8 lightweight unit, is being produced by Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd., Titanic Works,...
K NOWLEDGE of the effects of motor exhaust gases upon the creation of " smog " is incomplete and investigation is required, say...
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T HE desirability of decentralizing the London Transport Executive into a number of sub-areas, each with its own board on which...
B RITISH oilfield vehicles and equipment have been successfully employed in locating an oil-bearing area at Learmouth in the...
A PROPRIETARY four-cylindered rt high-speed oil engine is now being developed for vans of 10-15-cwt. payload capacity. It has a...
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By Laurence J. Cotton M.I.R.T.E. A CCORDING to a road-test report of just 18 years ago, when one of my predecessors was...
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An Operator Installs a Four-cylindered Oil Engine In Place of the Cost Cutter Unit in a Thames 3-tanner Chassis, Using Fittings...
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"The Commercial Motor" Annual Analysis of Municipal Bus Fleets p ERHAPS the most important feature revealed by this year's...
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Conditions on Which Transport Unit Finance, Ltd., Will Buy Transport Units on Behalf of Tenderers A DVANCES will be made by...
A NEW 21-tonnir, employing a supercharged version of the 2.8litre oil engine fitted in the 11-ton and 2-ton . models, has been...
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:hief Demand Remarkably High Mileages are Covered by Traders' Vans, Whose Owners are Keenly Selective Before Buying to Ensure...
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plated Oil-control Rings THE long-wearing properties of chromium!. plated rings when fitted in the top piston grooves are such...
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The Thesiger Report as a Student. of Transport Sees it : A Basis for Informal Discussion by C. S. Dunbar, M .1n st.T. M OST...
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XHIB1TS of interest to the commercial-vehicle user, in addition to those reviewed in last week's issue, were revealed when the...
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VOUR legal adviser •wrote in your issue datedOctober 1 30, under the heading ".Should Medical Examination be compulsory?" The...
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I N the interesting article entitled "The Case for Thin-wall Bearings" in your issue dated October 23, there was a reference in...
IT strikes me as being particularly odd that with the I present trend of -design running towards underfloorengines, with the...
with P.3 Engine A STANDARD Morris-Commercial 30 - cwt. van has been converted to an oiler by Phillips Motor Services...
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Appealing to Cesar " We have little doubt that if the services of such persons are incompetent or their fees extortionate, the...
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I N 1946, hauliers were given a concession by the Government in what was called an "initial allowance." Like so many of the...
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of the power piston. The pump crank carries a pinion (3) to transmit the drive to the auxiliaries. The extreme left end P...