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"D ISCUSSIONS on transport have become riddled with clichés, and integration is one of them." Nobody will disagree with Mr....
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A . RECENT directive issued by the Mont Blanc Development Company indicates that heavy goods traffic is prohibited from using...
WHEN a delegation from the Road Haulage " Association met officials of the Prices and Incomes Board last month, the impression...
impose bans on loading, unloading and restrictions on stopping along about 13 miles of three main routes which have been...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT TABOUR costs for road haulage operators are expected to go up by about a shilling 1-/ in the...
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CO NDEMNED TRTA president gives pointer to true integration 64 T SHOULD be guilty of hypocrisy if .II. I said that we are...
WITH the initial support of 50 members, " running 332 vehicles and 54 trailers, the TRTA is to start its projected maintenance...
DRELIMINARY talks are being held between a number of commercial vehicle distributors in the UK and the Dutch company, Van...
THE date of the London eliminating round for the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition has been changed to June 19 (it had...
BRITISH Railways are quoting 29s. 6d. per ton for their newest Freightliner route between Manchester and London, soon to start...
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range of semi-trailers known as the Dynasty and catering for medium-weight operations on three axles at 22 tons g.t.w....
T HE managing director of the York Trailer Co. Ltd., Mr. Fred W. Davies, confirmed this week that he was seeking a senior...
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CO-OPERATIVE UNITS, NEW SERVICES AND STREAMLINED CONSTITUTION A L members of the Road Haulage Association are to be urged to...
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A MEETING of the North Staffordshire " Hauliers Association management committee on Wednesday morning decided unanimously to...
THE June trip to America and Canada organized by the RHA has now attracted over 300 bookings and two Aer Lingus aircraft have...
S IGNWRITING is carried even on the roof of this removal pantechnicon which Butlens Organisation Ltd. has taken into service,...
FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT 1MRS. BARBARA CASTLE had her first experience of answering Commons questions as...
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Private busmen keen to keep LTB routes by Derek Moses T HE sudden decision by London Transport to introduce emergency...
From our Industrial Correspondent D ESPITE offers to bring forward the annual review of pay, the London busmen's ban on...
A LL three company operators and two of the 11 municipal undertakings concerned in providing transport in the Manchester area...
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I N a reserved decision issued last Friday the Scottish Traffic Commissioners approved fares increases for Dundee Corporation...
P LANS for the first stage of the run-down of the Glasgow trolleybus system were announced last week. Services 101 and 102 will...
THE Chancellor's investment incentive scheme will reduce, not increase incentive, warned Mr. Raymond Birch, chairman of the...
D ERBY town council has given approval for co-ordinated services with Trent Motor Traction on routes in the town centre and...
T HE Rural Council of Hexham, Northumberland, has been informed by the Ministry of Transport that its representations for...
GRANTS 'THE Northern Ireland Government has paid - 1 out £15+m. in grants, and £3m. in loans to public transport in Northern...
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T HE Eastern deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. J. Gazdar, said that Norfolk and District Films Transport Ltd., nad ignored two...
T HE application of J. E. Hodgkiss, of Leigh. Lanes, for a new A licence, adjourned from January 7, was resumed at Liverpool on...
T HE Transport Tribunal in London on Tuesday allowed an appeal by a Wimblington (Cambridge) haulage company against a grant by...
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Granted B GRANT A r Birmingham on Monday roadmaking material suppliers told the deputy West Midlands Licensing Authority, Mr....
T HIRTEEN of the 17 operators who applied for services to Butlin's Holiday Camp at Pwllheli, following the closure of a through...
F OLLOWING the recent fares grant to Ribble Motor Services Ltd, Cumberland Motor Services Ltd. has applied for an increase of...
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StOrY! Aspects of the Mid-Southern Tipping Group decision. A THOUGH Mr. A. C. Shepherd, South Eastern deputy Licensing...
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1963, has been appointed general manager to Liverpool City Transport. Mr. Burrows is 46. British Road Services have announced...
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on February 24 A r a Press conference held in London on Monday, Mr. A. R. Stewart, chairman of Dennis Bros. Ltd., announced...
T O increase the operating efficiency of its 34-vehicle fleet of lorries, vans and cars, the London Borough of Bexley has...
of Leyland Power Plus UE.680 engines has been placed by Osterreichische AutomohiJFabriks-AG. of Austria. They will be used in...
AMERICAN COMPONENTS FOR RUNNING GEAR B Y arrangement with the RockwellStandard Corporation, of Detroit, Rubery. Owen and Co....
TIESPITE the addition of exhaust-heated under floor tubes to prevent freezing of the load of potatoes, the aluminium body of...
FINANCIAL savings and proceeds of the sales of surplus assets will more than cover the inm. paid in compensation to redundant...
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CEVERE criticism of the state in which some vehicles were reaching the home market was voiced at Durham last Friday when more...
T ° permit new tractive units to operate with "old" semi-trailers. the Ministry of Transport is prepared to amend the proposed...
A 16-POINT formula for the inspection of vehicles has been drawn up by the RHA, TRTA, and Motor Agents Association in North...
goods vehicles in the UK irt 1965 was 437,242, announces the Board of Trade. This compares with 446,255 in 1964. Exports were...
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D ESIGNED for prime movers and semi-trailers to comply with the latest braking regulations stipulating the use of three-line...
A .THOUGH the larger transport operator is well aware of the tyre inspection service available from the leading manufacturers,...
TT IS k's prizewinner is Mr. S. A. w e e onse, of Bilton, Harrogate, Yorks. His idea concerns the removal and refitting of the...
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and publications M ANUFACTURE of the Ejectric water ejector valve hitherto made in America and imported into the UK is...
A HYDRAULICALLY-POWERED crane capable of lifting one ton, has been introduced by Colchester Tillage Ltd. The crane is based on...
A NEW storage dispensing unit for non-resaleable petrol and diesel oil is announced by Petrol Pump Supplies Co. It consists of...
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BY A. J. P. WILDING, AMIMechE, MIRTE I N relation to its size, Holland has a remarkable position in European transport, Dutch...
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BY THE HAWK Top Brass H OUSE of Commons and RHA top brass, as well as a senior Opposition spokesman, are due to share the top...
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T HE 24-ton-gross eight-wheeler was here to stay, whilst the Gardner 6LX was the ideal power unit for this type of vehicle and...
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BY ASHLEY TAYLOR AMIRTE, Assoc hist Baronial Touch THERE are a good many interesting things about the original works of...
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A day operating the 30-ton-gross Crane Fruehauf hopper vehicle By R. D. CATER, AMInstBE AR by year more powdered and granular...
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No Incentive to Study? YOUR LEADER in COMMERCIAL MOTOR (January 21) regarding the place of the professional associations in...
1HE directors of BRITISH MOTOR CORPORATION announced that the interim dividend is being maintained at 4-id. per 5s. Ordinary...
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CIONCEIVED in time of war and brought to birth under the shadow of nationalization, the Road Haulage Association could hardly...
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A LOWANCE for depreciation and ultimate vehicle replacement is a major item of operating costs. Prudent road transport...
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A merchant in the Eastern Counties is contemplating operating a delivery service for local traders, involving the delivery of...
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O. and M. Transport Ltd. Cap. 1100. Dirs.: C. E. °slick and W. Os-tick, 222 Broadstone Road. Heaton Chapel. Stockport, Ches. M....
B y Geo r ge University of London T o promote, encourage and co-ordinate the study of the science and art of transport in all...