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A NEW agreement has been reached between road and rail in Rhodesia whereby, for higher-rated traffic on parallel routes, the...
TT is tragic that in 1960 overseas operators should have cause to 'complain of the after-sales service provided by...
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11\T OT long after he joined the Metropolitan Railway young Christopher Tatham Brunner asked for a rise. It was granted with...
T HE Transport Tribunal's written judgment in the McKeivie case (page 53), running to about 6,500 words, is One of the longest...
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ifts in the Ministry's Berkeley Square headquarters, I hear, )finded itself with electronic science. While lights flashed,...
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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT WESTMINSTER, Tuesday. A S hinted last week, the British Transport Commission is to undergo a...
J.J AULIERS engaged on delivering materials for the new £6,500,000 Stretford-Eccles by-pass are being interviewed by...
Rope": Decision Reserved THE Bulk Liquid Transport Co., Ltd., had been "walking on a tight rope for some time but they had...
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pENDING official announcement of the measures and concessions to be adopted in the event of a rail strike, hauliers and...
D ETAILS of an experiment with a proprietary device for purifying exhaust gases from petrol engines are given in a report on...
• New Threat iNCLUSIVE overseas holidays were a I new form of competition for passenger operators in Britain, the West Midland...
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B ECAUSE vehicles were off the road owing to breakdowns and maintenance, Walsh Bros. and Co., Ltd., Manchester, were unable to...
Marjorie Bottoms (Haulage), LW. Cap. £1,000. Dir.: E. M. Bottoms. 164 Belgrave Gate, Leicester, Sec.: C. 11. Ingham. Reg....
• MR. WALTER POLL has been appointed stores controller at the Stockport headquarters of the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd....
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S O long as restrictions are not to be a substitute for road improvements, the Road Haulage Association will support Mr....
T I - US year's congress of the Institute of Transport, which will take place in London for the first time for 25 years, will...
C OMPLAINTS about the way British Railways handled cattle in transit were made by a wholesale butcher at Preston last week: Mr....
haferness Borough Council require a 2-ton tipper. Stuffs County Council require a Bedford-Pattison machine. St. Albans City...
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D ESPITE allegations by one applicant that British Railways had been "getting at" prospective witnesses, two hauliers who...
THE hearing of Siddle C. Cook, Ltd. who applied for three vehicles—Iwo articulated and one flat—had been adjourned last month...
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N EARLY 66,000 vehicles have taken delivery of goods from the Manchester Ship Canal's quays and sheds since the revised...
THE Industrial Court have ordered a I C-licensee to pay holiday money to a driver who gave notice. The driver was Mr. Gerald...
A N official annouacement by the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., that they propose to open up a large production centre on Merseyside...
T TWELVE Cheltenham haulage contra tors tors appeared as objectors at Bristol on Monday when Holmes Transport (Cheltenham),...
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f WO applicants who wished to take over the business of a bankrupt haulier clashed before Mr. J. A, T. Hanlon, Northern...
W HEN the British Transport CornrniSsiOn appealed to the Transport Tribunal in London, last week, against the renewal of a B...
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I S a g ricultural lime a chemical? This q uestion and a dispute over whether the carria g e of lar g e tonna g es of this...
E chief rates clerk of British Rail ways, Bristol, was rebuked by Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western Licensin g Authority, when he...
H AVING the outward appearance of a box-van, a Thames Trader with means for the mechanical dischar g e of a 41-ton load of coke...
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British Transport Commission's provincial and Scottish bus companies were 0.8 per cent, lower last year than in 1958. The...
T HE Europabus London-Dover express service, operated by the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd., who act as the central reservation...
P LANS by the Scottish Area Board of the British Transport Commission to preserve the railway line north of Inverness, and to...
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E XCURSION operators and British Railways joined forces -LA last week to object to an application by Yelloway Motor Services,...
T HE front staircase of a type of double-decker being built by Massey Bros, (Pemberton), Ltd., Wigan, allows space behind the...
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V ANCOUVER, let me say right away, is not Victoria. This fact may be well known to the overwhelming majority of non-Canadian...
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A PPEARANCE of a ThornycroftCranes articulated outfit with DuramM bodywork has been enhanced by a cab roof dome extended up to...
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...frozA°' rot , BROUGM I ROAD ib •%., 5'0 160 T HE Kariba hydro-electric project, one of the greatest of this century, is...
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ri A DIFFERENCE of opinion on licensing between furniture removers and hauliers is made apparent by Mr. E. J. White, of White's...
T HE use of the word " furniture " in a normal user did not cover furniture removals. It was in a haulier's own interest to...
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T HE fi rst installation of a new spray1 booth for commercial vehicles produced by the Pegasus Spraybooth Co., 4 Frances...
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p UBLIC opinion remains something of a mystery in spite of its importance. A Government or a political party has to know or...
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p ROPERLY prepared licence applications not only save time and money, but ultimately can make the difference between the...
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THE report of Mr. A. IL Carter's remarks concerning . the availability of wire-cord tyres (January 15) makes us feel, that a...
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p AINT manufacturing and glass processing and merehanting are the unusual combination of business activities successfully...
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T HE attraction of road transport was that it was a convenient means of taking goods from door to door, and the transfer of...
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SALIENT feature of the British flair for organization and govern ment has been the ability to use, for wider purposes,...
motor and, repairing trade through representation on various joint committees responsible for the formulation of distribution...
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AN outfit capable of carrying malt extract in bulk has been put into service by Edme, Ltd., Mistley, Essex, whose factory is...
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sheet suitable for recording operations of individual vehicles. I suggested that, although large undertakings might prefer to...
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A CENTRIFUGAL governor that Pi , adjusts both the quantity of fuel injected and the timing of the charge is covered by patent...