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The offending clause which was introduced to the Transport Bill giving British Rail the right to carry goods by road has been...
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GOVERNMENT amendlent to the Transport Bill that rould have given British Rail re right to enter the hire and .ward sector of...
BRITISH Rail is ready to fight for more freight business — that is the message from BR chairman Peter Parker, and he has no...
briefly debated on Tuesday when it came in for strong criticism from MPs from both sides of the House. Transport and General...
l'HE ROAD Transport InJustry Training Board was miticised from both sides of he Commons last week for its 'ailure to give...
The 32-ton weight restriction on vehicles using the Severn Bridge will remain until June, even though all four lanes will...
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BRITAIN'S answer to the EEC's "reasoned opinion" on our failure to implement tachograph regulation 1463/70 was due to be...
MOTORWAY cafes are improving — but they are still not good, that is the verdict of the latest report from the Egon Ronay...
NATIONAL Freight Corp( ration chairman Sir Da Pettit is to be asked to e: plain why BRS manage] held an annual conferenc in Las...
buy up areas MOTORWAY service areas should be subject to compulsory purchase orders and there should be rigorous inspection of...
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SPILLERS' decision to leave the bread industry will leave the company with 2000, vehicles, including 250 bulk tankers, for...
LONDON Transport is to be investigated by the Prices Commission, which is unhappy about its latest application to increase...
REVISED lorry tax proposals by the Austrian government have come under fire from the International Road Transport Union. In a...
JUST A passing thought .... would Woman's Hour have been so sorely missed if transport questions had been answered on that...
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:C DRIVERS' hours regulaIns could spell trouble for all hauliers, claimed Inverss MP Russell Johnston last !ek. Fie told the...
BRITAIN's Continental Freight Drivers' Club is to cater for drivers on UK domestic work as well as international drivers and...
BRITISH SPARKS COMPETE CAV are now to service competitors' equipment on diesel engines fitted to public service and commercial...
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appointed to the new, additional post of deputy hairrnan with NBC. He will share some of the chairman's duties. Mr Brook...
W. Allen (John Waddington Ltd). East Scotland chairman, M. W. Jones (D. B. Marshall (Newbridge) Ltd); vice chairmen, W. M....
TRANSPORT Ministi William Rodgers was la week urged to have discu sions with the industry and ti unions about tachographs....
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Ieavy lorries have been blamed njured five people and wrecked The news follows a report lublished last June which darned heavy...
vIERSEY Docks and Harbour .7ompany is going into the oad haulage business. They Lave joined forces with oils, ats and commodity...
ANYONE operating for hire or reward with a restricted 0 licence will be liable to a fine not exceeding £200 and, if he has been...
MORE chemical manufacturers now require drivers to attend an official training course before they allow them to drive bulk...
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SCOTTISH operators won the top awards at last weekend's National Coach Rally in Blackpool, which attracted a record entry of 75...
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, ROW has broken out over ?marks made by the Scottish 'raffic Commissioners in their ?port on an application from cottish Bus...
A MAJOR coachbuilding firm is having to turn away orders worth several hundred thousand pounds — because it cannot produce the...
ITIE PRE-PAID multi-ride ticket system used on six London rransport routes is being dropped. The machinery fitted to buses on...
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A STANDARD British bus design should follow the German VOV design of the Dutch "five cities" bus, said an engineering director...
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LONG-TERM switch to ectric road vehicles is needed ; fossil fuels become scarce, Lys a Department of Energy port on transport...
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HESTAIR Eagle launched a new intermittent refuse collection vehicle at its redeveloped factory at Warwick this week. Since...
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With reference to H. Gray's letter, I as one driver welcome Wahl and have asked to join the long waiting list. Can any London...
tot otaie? With reference to the new legislation coming into force in 1979 regarding the Certificate of Competence for all...
This is, to me, another step towards our becoming a police-run state. This new law must be one of the most ludicrous ever...
May I say that I agree with the point made by your correspondent R. H. Rowland (CM March 17) on the matter of public liability...
May I congratulate Steve Geary on his excellent article "Owner drivers are banding together" (CM March 17). This showed...
I would - like to warn otht lorry owners and drivers last month, while parkin! lorry in a lay-by in South Yorkshire, I was...
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N INCREASE to 30 tonnes n five axles would not cause ny increase in road damage yet the fuel productivity of le heavier...
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ECONOMY 1E of the biggest single tors influencing the fuel isumption is the driver_ rget all the high techno-. y terms of high...
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The Dodge Drivers Club has been reformed by Chrysler. Membership is open to drivers or mates who work on Dodge Karrier or...
must be the season for good le-off publications. Vanguard igineering have produced one health and safety at work. ;sisted by...
The first commercial vehicle show at the National Exhibition Centre is developing into quite a bonanza. Quite apart from what...
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By Les Oldridge, T.Eng (CE MIMI, A M I RTE Reckless driving Hidden away in this hotchpotch of legislation is Section 50,...
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BREAKTHROUGH OR PIPEDREAM Regenerative braking — the recuperation of kinetic energy as opposed to its dissipation as heat — is...
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How many millions of tons of coal lie beneath the surface of the earth cannot easily be estimated but we can be sure that there...
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IN RECENT weeks CM has carried two reports on automatic transmissions. The report on the IMechE/IRTE conference said that...
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'PER V CAB. AT ONE TIME YOU ONLY G IN A 3 Ns KIND OF COMFORT INNER. Leyland's new Super 'G' cab looks lore like a luxury...
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Ate test the Peugeot 304 van, based on the well-proven estate car THE PEUGEOT 304 van is derived from the estate car of the...
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Papers were presented on - he Usefulness of research in lublic transport by R. A. Chapnan of Newcastle University nd London...
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UTCIIES I A VEHICLE powered by a steam engine has the engine directly coupled to the road wheels and when it starts away from...